never able to make it around a lap without spinning.
So now I figure since I have spent so much time re-teaching myself how to
drive due to N4, that I would go back and give GPL another shot.
Unfortunately, I am having some major graphics problems.
I downloaded the patch and installed that.. I also downloaded and installed
the OpenGL patch. (I am using a Geforce2 64meg Pro).
I set the game to use OpenGL and the menus are fine, but when I go to
actually race, I only see the top left 1/4 of the screen. The rest is
blueish green that flickers.
I will say that I did try to drive that way and it does feel ALOT more
comfortable to me now that I have gotten away from the Slam the Gas, Slam
the brake mentality I used to have with racing games.
Anyways, any help is appreciated