plowed into by the 98 car, which took me and a few other cars out.
And then, it got better - I think I got the worst of it though because
the back of my car got pushed in.
To make matters worse, I was trying to avoid hitting the 19 car as we
exited the pits (hje was ina hurry to pass me, buyt he wasn't in a hurry
to proceed through the turn so I went up onto the track and got awarded
a move to the end of the longest line penalty.
My spotter was shouting to stay behind the 170 car (I WAS BEHIND THE
***ING 170 CAR), but the 170 car was ignoring his spotter who was
telling him to pass me. As a result, I got a black flag for passing
under the ***ing yellow.
Then, on one of the restarts, the 98 car hit me AGAIN, and backed me
into the outside wall in turn 1.
I finished laps down in 8th or 9th place. I don't mind finishing in 8th
or 9th place, but it really torques me to be laps down, ESPECIALLY when
it's not my fault.
Opinion: Single file restarts don't do squat for us. All it does is
keep lapped cars from regaining a lap. Other than that, it's just like
running double-file restarts. Caution-after-***in-caution.
I think a lot of folks need to practice. A LOT! You can't come to ANY
of these tracks cold - the fast setup is just too twitchy when you're
not used to it. I think the fast setups are just fine as LONG AS YOU
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (490+ cars and counting)
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