GPL Weather

Bruce Kennewel

GPL Weather

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 30 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Yeah....sure thing.
You'll excuse my scepticism, I'm sure, Arthur, but we've heard it all

It's one thing to be a crazily enthusiastic and hyped up spokesperson
(I'm not referring to you!)for new and exciting technology but it gets
rather tiresome after hearing the same message from the same sector for
so many years.

One day it will come, but so will nutritious junk-food, perpetual motion
and combustible fuel from water.

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

L. Andre Min

GPL Weather

by L. Andre Min » Sun, 30 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Hi All...

Been following this thread with some interest. Thought I might inject a
veiwpoint from the "Mr. Average" perspective. That is, I loved real
Nascar, saw the first Nascar Racing 1 (in '94?), bought it... got
hooked... bought more sims, upgrade my 'puter just to run sims...
race... play... crash... you get the idea. I'm not that good... but I do
have fun. (And that's the bottom line.)  Anyway, seeing as I've been
racing sims (off and on... a lot more on the off) since N1 days, and
seeing as I'm no where near "really good"... just the "Average Joe"...
figured I'd share the following:

When I first found out about "online" racing, I thought "man, that be a
lot of fun."

However, not long after discovering r.a.s. (about three years ago) I
started reading about online racing. Yep, I read the whining from
onliner's about their woes of pings, warping, latentcy problems, line
connection problems, lousy human drivers that take you out (accidentily
or otherwise), high $$ connection costs, HUGE flame wars concerning the
driving style/lack-of of certain drivers (or accusations that they're
cheating), threats of The Great Grudge Race that usually followed such
inane bantering (reminded me of two roosters trying to dare the
other...) glithes, looong hours late at night, or time-tying race
schedules, goblins, etc, etc, ad infinitum.  But for the most part,
onliners almost always say: "You offline guys just don't know what
you're missing!!"

Don't know what I'm missing?   "8^0   My conclusion: This does NOT sound
like fun.

Nope, not for me. I only race for giggles, and really have nothing I
want to prove to anyone else.  Also, I want to race when I want, how I
want, and with control over my "relaxation" situation.  I don't think I
want the "Frustration Factor" that all of the above techo-kinks could
certainly bring into my racing experience. So, racing humans could be
fun... but in addition to the techo-kinks, it also leads to the
inevitable "HE CHEATED!", or some other cry from those that feel
slighted in an incident or whatever. And that is the bottom line for me.
Racing with other humans might offer some fun, but along with the
technological problems of online racing, there is the very likely unfun
part: Dealing with emotions of humans, theirs AND mine.  

Nahh... I'll just race my CC's.

Besides, with the ability to tweak the AI, custom AI patches, etc...
I've got some mighty tough competitors to contend with.

Have fun...


John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Sun, 30 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I'd question "massive", but it is an improvement. Point is, so is the
offline racing we have just now and it is no better than that, worse
if anything. I like to know where my opponents are, and to win by luck
rather than latency.


Byron Forbe

GPL Weather

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> >> Anyway, getting back to the point <g> - to me "warping" is occurring
> >> anytime what I am seeing on my screen is substantially different to what
> >> other drivers are seeing on theirs. Doesn't matter if the car infront
> >> briefly flickers in and out or is driving very smoothly but on completely
> >> the wrong section of track. Both are "warping" IMHO.

> >   I would say that the common meaning of warping is simply that a car
> "jumps"
> >instantaneously from one point to another. Warping has nothing to do with
> what your saying
> >ie that the cars position is not a perfect indication of where it really
> is.

> Ahh you've never tried Nascar on TEN or HAWAII i see... :)

> I've had cars that were half a lap behind me "warp" to a place right infront
> of me, stayed there for half a lap or more - looking rock solid like as
> there were actually "there" - and then warp back again!

> That my friend is warping!

Byron Forbe

GPL Weather

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Good points Andre. You might be interested to know that the OnOffline solution would
eliminate warping and give other drivers NO chance to punt you off. See here if you have
not already -

    As far as cheating goes, that's in the hands of the developers, another area they
cluelessly overlook IMO!

> Hi All...

> Been following this thread with some interest. Thought I might inject a
> veiwpoint from the "Mr. Average" perspective. That is, I loved real
> Nascar, saw the first Nascar Racing 1 (in '94?), bought it... got
> hooked... bought more sims, upgrade my 'puter just to run sims...
> race... play... crash... you get the idea. I'm not that good... but I do
> have fun. (And that's the bottom line.)  Anyway, seeing as I've been
> racing sims (off and on... a lot more on the off) since N1 days, and
> seeing as I'm no where near "really good"... just the "Average Joe"...
> figured I'd share the following:

> When I first found out about "online" racing, I thought "man, that be a
> lot of fun."

> However, not long after discovering r.a.s. (about three years ago) I
> started reading about online racing. Yep, I read the whining from
> onliner's about their woes of pings, warping, latentcy problems, line
> connection problems, lousy human drivers that take you out (accidentily
> or otherwise), high $$ connection costs, HUGE flame wars concerning the
> driving style/lack-of of certain drivers (or accusations that they're
> cheating), threats of The Great Grudge Race that usually followed such
> inane bantering (reminded me of two roosters trying to dare the
> other...) glithes, looong hours late at night, or time-tying race
> schedules, goblins, etc, etc, ad infinitum.  But for the most part,
> onliners almost always say: "You offline guys just don't know what
> you're missing!!"

> Don't know what I'm missing?   "8^0   My conclusion: This does NOT sound
> like fun.

> Nope, not for me. I only race for giggles, and really have nothing I
> want to prove to anyone else.  Also, I want to race when I want, how I
> want, and with control over my "relaxation" situation.  I don't think I
> want the "Frustration Factor" that all of the above techo-kinks could
> certainly bring into my racing experience. So, racing humans could be
> fun... but in addition to the techo-kinks, it also leads to the
> inevitable "HE CHEATED!", or some other cry from those that feel
> slighted in an incident or whatever. And that is the bottom line for me.
> Racing with other humans might offer some fun, but along with the
> technological problems of online racing, there is the very likely unfun
> part: Dealing with emotions of humans, theirs AND mine.

> Nahh... I'll just race my CC's.

> Besides, with the ability to tweak the AI, custom AI patches, etc...
> I've got some mighty tough competitors to contend with.

> Have fun...

> Andre

Eric Franze

GPL Weather

by Eric Franze » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

  I do.  It's great.
John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 12:01:04 -0500, Pat Dotson

>Does it run under Win95 or what?  Are the Quake World servers
>typically home PC's?

Quakeworld only runs under Win95/98. The server can run under NT also
(and possibly others), but since it is going to be dishing out
information to all the clients the latency and bandwidth are
paramount. That's why they are typically run on university systems. It
doesn't take much power to run a QuakeWorld server, my clan used to
run two on a 486, but it does take a fair amount of memory and an
excellent internet connection.

It would be a good idea, primarily because it would free up all the
power of the system to manage the game (rather than driver inputs, car
physics etc). It would also allow servers to be run on high bandwidth,
low latency systems and operated remotely, rather than being limited
to home systems where few people have truly quick access.


John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:07:16 -0400, "David G Fisher"

The situation you describe below is very enjoyable, but in my
experience is unfortunately not typical of racing online. Most people
you meet are "win at all costs", and make crazy manoeuvres to try to
beat you. Added to that is the fact that what we are trying to
simulate is a Formula One race (or any top level motorsports event),
one where all of the drivers are from the very top drawer and
separated by 10ths of seconds. That is generally not the case online,
since people differ greatly in consistency and speed. The race often
settles down to a procession, just waiting for a mistake from someone.

Those occasions where you do get people of equal ability and have a
stonking fight more than make up for the boring races, but I find that
when people are closely matched, something silly happens (like trying
to pass around the outside of Ascari....John? :-) ), when people are
not closely matched the field spreads out.

As you say, with equal skill it's great. What will be nice in GPL is
handicapping people with different cars - the fast guys in the slow
cars and the slow guys in the fast cars. That should be fun :-)

John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:17:24 -0400, "David G Fisher"

>If you try eating dinner, changing cars, changing ISP's, doing your hair,
>etc., in a race I'm hosting, you're getting booted real quick!  :-)

Heh :-)  Nothing wrong with a bit of gamesmanship. Seriously though, I
think on the day of GPL's release the internet will be one hell of a
place to be. I fully intend a weekend of non-stop online racing.


John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 19:45:29 -0700, Eric Franzen

>  Yeah, but how many people have you heard say that they are extremely
>disapointed that the next Quake is online only.  I have only played I
>and II online a couple of times for various reasons, but I loved to play
>it alone and try to work through the whole game.  I just hope more
>companys don't follow and go with online only games.  Maybe it would be
>good.  I wouldn't need to upgrade my computer anymore.

It's a shame I think since many people play Quake in single-player,
but I for one _only_ ever play Quake, Quake2 or Unreal online or
against bots. After a massive frantic fragathon somehow empty
corridors are unappealing.

I'd certainly still buy it if it were multi-player only, provided it
shipped with bots (like Unreal) to practice with offline.


Uwe Schuerka

GPL Weather

by Uwe Schuerka » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 12:01:04 -0500, Pat Dotson

>>Does it run under Win95 or what?  Are the Quake World servers
>>typically home PC's?

>Quakeworld only runs under Win95/98. The server can run under NT also
>(and possibly others), but since it is going to be dishing out

Best platform for any QuakeWorld server for network performance and
speed is, of course, Linux.



 Spam-proof e-mail: Uwe Schuerkamp <hoover at telemedia . de> ////// Phone: +49-5241-80-10-66
    Best of Scottish Folk:
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John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Best platform for any QuakeWorld server for network performance and
>speed is, of course, Linux.

Well, it is until you fancy a game of GPL, FIFA98 or any other
software anyone cares to mention, and then you suddenly realise you do
need Microsoft after all.


Uwe Schuerka

GPL Weather

by Uwe Schuerka » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Well, it is until you fancy a game of GPL, FIFA98 or any other
>software anyone cares to mention, and then you suddenly realise you do
>need Microsoft after all.

I'm afraid this is only too true, John. I do have hope though that
this situation will change dramatically during the next two years,
and I believe we stand a good chance of seeing a native GPL II Linux
version. ;-)



 Spam-proof e-mail: Uwe Schuerkamp <hoover at telemedia . de> ////// Phone: +49-5241-80-10-66
    Best of Scottish Folk:
  >>> Blue Ribbon Campaign:  Support Free Speech on the Internet <<<

John Walla

GPL Weather

by John Walla » Thu, 17 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>I'm afraid this is only too true, John. I do have hope though that
>this situation will change dramatically during the next two years,
>and I believe we stand a good chance of seeing a native GPL II Linux
>version. ;-)

<reeling> Okay, but don't hold your breath for it! :-)


Christer Andersso

GPL Weather

by Christer Andersso » Sun, 20 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I dont agree on perpetual motion, Bruce, that will never happen, IMO :o).

/Christer, do think the posters should of altered the subject line long time ago
in this thread, cause now I've seemed to have missed a good one again :o(.
-- (Read all about the "Global online
racing"-proposal under "For developers". Read it a couple of times, cause noone
has understood it the first time they've read it yet :o)) is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.