Hi All...
Been following this thread with some interest. Thought I might inject a
veiwpoint from the "Mr. Average" perspective. That is, I loved real
Nascar, saw the first Nascar Racing 1 (in '94?), bought it... got
hooked... bought more sims, upgrade my 'puter just to run sims...
race... play... crash... you get the idea. I'm not that good... but I do
have fun. (And that's the bottom line.) Anyway, seeing as I've been
racing sims (off and on... a lot more on the off) since N1 days, and
seeing as I'm no where near "really good"... just the "Average Joe"...
figured I'd share the following:
When I first found out about "online" racing, I thought "man, that be a
lot of fun."
However, not long after discovering r.a.s. (about three years ago) I
started reading about online racing. Yep, I read the whining from
onliner's about their woes of pings, warping, latentcy problems, line
connection problems, lousy human drivers that take you out (accidentily
or otherwise), high $$ connection costs, HUGE flame wars concerning the
driving style/lack-of of certain drivers (or accusations that they're
cheating), threats of The Great Grudge Race that usually followed such
inane bantering (reminded me of two roosters trying to dare the
other...) glithes, looong hours late at night, or time-tying race
schedules, goblins, etc, etc, ad infinitum. But for the most part,
onliners almost always say: "You offline guys just don't know what
you're missing!!"
Don't know what I'm missing? "8^0 My conclusion: This does NOT sound
like fun.
Nope, not for me. I only race for giggles, and really have nothing I
want to prove to anyone else. Also, I want to race when I want, how I
want, and with control over my "relaxation" situation. I don't think I
want the "Frustration Factor" that all of the above techo-kinks could
certainly bring into my racing experience. So, racing humans could be
fun... but in addition to the techo-kinks, it also leads to the
inevitable "HE CHEATED!", or some other cry from those that feel
slighted in an incident or whatever. And that is the bottom line for me.
Racing with other humans might offer some fun, but along with the
technological problems of online racing, there is the very likely unfun
part: Dealing with emotions of humans, theirs AND mine.
Nahh... I'll just race my CC's.
Besides, with the ability to tweak the AI, custom AI patches, etc...
I've got some mighty tough competitors to contend with.
Have fun...