feature...the same as all the Papyrus sims to date.
> .. yeah, but you crash your car whilst viewing it (there's no pause
> button!). I think Byron was saying he wants to be able to see in real time
> what his laptimes are.
> .. yeah, but you crash your car whilst viewing it (there's no pause
> button!). I think Byron was saying he wants to be able to see in real time
> what his laptimes are.
And anyway...my comment regarding Papy foot-shooting was in reference to
the possible commercial effect....not my personal likes or dislikes.
Have another decko at it and you'll see what I mean.
Meantime, use your "replay" feature to check your lap times as you
complete each one. That's the trick to it :o)
Oh....and stay off the green stuff and remain on the black stuff!
> > Come off the grass, Byron!
As for how good it is and how many at a time, I know but I'm not sure
how much I can openly say. If I were to tell you my 'phone bill for
the last month you might get some idea though - it was one scarily big
bill but I STILL thought it was worthwhile :-) The lag depends on
your connection and the state of the internet - you and God have more
influence on that than Papy do!
I recall GP2 being slammed for it's myopic avoidance of internet play,
yet I also recall it being the biggest and fastest selling game at the
time - what a disastrous decision that was.
As is often pointed out, r.a.s. is a small subset of the entire sim
market, where the common denominator is that we are all online. That
tends to skew the thinking as far as the importance of being online is
concerned. Of all companies making sims Papy and MS will have
excellent data as to how significant the online community actually is,
comparing total sales of N2 and CPR against signups and usage on NROS
and IGZ. I don't see it as being that big a deal - yet. That time
will come, but so far it's something excellent for us to have but
really not all THAT big a selling point. Undoubtedly failure to
include it will lose some sales, but if you are looking from a
bean-counter's perspective you have to ask whether the time spent
developing and improving on-line play would yield a larger ROI if set
to work developing weather/injuries/<insert name of feature>. Luckily
for us online types some companies like Papy, MS, Ubisoft are looking
to future sales and working on online stuff, but the level of
influence is small as yet.
All IMO of course :-)
Joe Conklin
remove spam to reply
> I put any sim company who places no emphasis on online/OnOffline/Offline
as clueless and
>one that won't be around for long. The first company to release a sim with
a competitive
>physics model and with an OnOffline multiplayer setup (see here
>http://home4.swipnet.se/~w-41236/OnlineRacing.html) will blow everything
off the globe
>> Hopefully it will be as good as MTM2 in the Zone. I race people from all
>> over Europe, South America, and even Australia and it's pretty damn
>> There was bad news awhile back that Papyrus wasn't much concerned with
>> internet racing (how the hell they could make that decision is beyond me)
>> but beta testers pushed for improvements and I hear it is much better
>> If it doesn't provide quality online racing, I won't have much time for
Just imagine the feeling of completing a good, fast lap around Zandvoort. A
track that was soo slippy due to all the sand on it. Now imagine that
feeling you'll have when *you know* you've just done a great lap!!
Ohhh how I want this thing now... I want Clark, Hill and Hulme - the Lotus,
Ferrari and Eagle - the Ring, Spa and Rouen.... and I want it fast!!! :))
All the best,
Edwin Solheim
Check out "The Paddock - a legendary site..." for
some cool GPL-stuff!!
>> I put any sim company who places no emphasis on online/OnOffline/Offline
as clueless and
>>one that won't be around for long. The first company to release a sim with
a competitive
>>physics model and with an OnOffline multiplayer setup (see here
>>http://www.racesimcentral.net/~w-41236/OnlineRacing.html) will blow everything
off the globe
>I recall GP2 being slammed for it's myopic avoidance of internet play,
>yet I also recall it being the biggest and fastest selling game at the
>time - what a disastrous decision that was.
GP2 was then, this is now. It was understandable (to me at least) that GP2
didn't provide online play. I doubt it would have been very good anyway.
Last summer I thought POD was impressive with it's online play, now it
pretty much stinks compared to others released in the past year. There was
even a significant jump between CPR and MTM2. Whatever sims/games that have
been released recently or will be in the near future will be used by us for
another year at least, or 2 maybe? The online community is growing very fast
and the developers need to plan for the future as well as the present.
Racing game developers should be pushing online racing more than anyone.
Real racing is all about going head to head with opponents. That's it's
greatest appeal. Who better than to take advantage of the internet than
Papyrus might view GPL as a niche product, it's appeal will probably be
limited, but if they hadn't provided TCP/IP racing it would have been a huge
mistake because it is a RACING sim. Even if the amount of people who take
advantage of it is small. Once you get comfortable with the cars, create
setups, and learn the tracks, you want to be able to race others and get the
adrenalin pumping. I would be shocked if Papy doesn't provide good online
racing in N3 and ICR3. MS seems to be making it a top priority with it's
last 3 motorsport releases (CPR, MTM2, and Motocross Madness). It will do
the same in upcoming racing titles I'm sure. As far as a selling point, MTM2
would have a fraction of it's fans if it couldn't be raced online, and I bet
MCM will follow along the same lines. There are one million people signed up
at just the Zone. Just a few months ago, their record for total amount of
people online at any one time was 10,000. Now I regularly see 14-15,000.
There is about 100 playing MTM2 on any weekday night and already that many
playing MCM.
The bean counters would know the facts, but I just disagree that the appeal
of online racing, and *** at this point is limited. I think in the last
year the stage has been set for online ***/racing to be a major feature
of most titles. Some of the developers seem to be making it a big priority,
and the others will hopefully follow. From this point on, I just don't see
any excuse for them not to do so.
I should add that I do understand that many people outside the U.S. don't
have unlimited, low cost internet access and this certainly limits the
appeal of online racing for them. Is that supposed to change?
<snip... much e***d chatter about GPL>
Here, here, now Edwin... get a grip. It won't be long. Breath deep...
easy, now... easy... ;')
P.S. I've got a P233MMX, 32 Meg SDRAM, SB 64AWE, but alas, an S3 Virge
vid card. :-(
I'm thinking about putting in a Rendition based card as my primary card,
with 3dfx board alongside. Is this still possible with the later
generation boards? Where will be the best performance be found for N2,
GPL, and N3: Rendition or 3dfx?
s t e a l t h
r a c i n g
><snip... much e***d chatter about GPL>
>> Ohhh how I want this thing now... I want Clark, Hill and Hulme - the
>> Ferrari and Eagle - the Ring, Spa and Rouen.... and I want it fast!!! :))
>> All the best,
>> Edwin Solheim
>Here, here, now Edwin... get a grip. It won't be long. Breath deep...
>easy, now... easy... ;')
>P.S. I've got a P233MMX, 32 Meg SDRAM, SB 64AWE, but alas, an S3 Virge
>vid card. :-(
>I'm thinking about putting in a Rendition based card as my primary card,
>with 3dfx board alongside. Is this still possible with the later
>generation boards? Where will be the best performance be found for N2,
>GPL, and N3: Rendition or 3dfx?
If the time is set for say 40-min, and you've got to go eat din-din,
then you can rejoin the practice afterwards (provided no booting from
the host/paticipants have occured. You can disconnect from the 'net,
and then dial into your sever at anytime to rejoin. Pretty neat! =)
> You can do the same thing with MTM2 and CPR. I've done it that way a few
> hundred times myself I'd guess. The Zone basically just helps you locate
> friends and strangers for a TCP/IP race and then steps out of the way. F1RS
> is a different story unfortunately. I may be wrong but I think they will be
> offering TCP/IP racing in the new version released this winter. No licensing
> restrictions.
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *
PS - if they don't s***this then don't expect me to be "off the grass" too much! A
mediocre driver like me needs good setups! :)
> Fair suck of the saveloy, Byron! B-I-G difference between travelling a
> few laps when setting up a car and not being able to save a race 70 laps
> into a 120-lap RACE :o)
> And anyway...my comment regarding Papy foot-shooting was in reference to
> the possible commercial effect....not my personal likes or dislikes.
> Have another decko at it and you'll see what I mean.
> Meantime, use your "replay" feature to check your lap times as you
> complete each one. That's the trick to it :o)
> Oh....and stay off the green stuff and remain on the black stuff!
> > > Come off the grass, Byron!
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce.
> ----------
> > I put any sim company who places no emphasis on online/OnOffline/Offline as clueless and
> >one that won't be around for long. The first company to release a sim with a competitive
> >physics model and with an OnOffline multiplayer setup (see here
> >http://www.racesimcentral.net/~w-41236/OnlineRacing.html) will blow everything off the globe
> >IMO!
> I recall GP2 being slammed for it's myopic avoidance of internet play,
> yet I also recall it being the biggest and fastest selling game at the
> time - what a disastrous decision that was.
> All IMO of course :-)
> For instance, NASCAR2 has been available as an on-line game in the
> United States for over a year (TEN and before that, Hawaii). Here in
> the Antipodes we are still awaiting such a thing to become available.
> Official reason from the major on-line *** service here is "not
> enough customers interested in that type of on-line ***". This is
> very true...there just is not a large enough population to warrant the
> expense of a server being setup to run something like NASCAR on-line.
> Australia, with a population of 16 million, wwould have only a very tiny
> percentage who would actually have NASCAR racing, let alone the need or
> wish to run it on-line.
Also Bruce, if you haven't already, check this out!