GPL Weather

Byron Forbe

GPL Weather

by Byron Forbe » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> >I'd also like to be able to see
> >immediate lap times in practice/testing mode rather than having to wait for the completion
> >of the next lap - this is simply an exercise in time waisting IMO!

> This, for me, is all part of the atmosphere of the sim - an atmosphere
> which should be consistent. If practice/training shows times
> immediately then it is annoyance when you can't get the same in
> qualifying. If you always have to make the adjustment then it is not
> an issue (or less of an issue at least).

  I don't think I'd mind this in qual either because we would be puting X amount of fuel
in the car, using the first 1 or 2 laps to warm the tyres and ?engine? up (MY BIG
PREDICTION - 1 lap of the 'Ring should warm everything up), and then just drive the nuts
(seemed so much more appropriate than "balls") off it till we don't have enough fuel to do
another lap! Don't like this practice/testing lapboard delay though!
Bruce Kennewel

GPL Weather

by Bruce Kennewel » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Funnily enough, I have rarely bothered with "testing".....not in any
racing sim that I've ever owned have I ever considered it to be a "must"
for me to get involved with.
I've either used a stock set-up, someones' suggestions or just dropped
the wings a few notches, slapped on some "C" tyres and that's it!! :o)

My entertainment simply comes from the "driving" and when I get jack of
it (the sim) I simply give it a rest for a while.....maybe even delete
it from the computer for several weeks. Although it will take a long
time for that feeling to come around with GPL, I am sure!

Nope...."setting-up and testing", whilst an integral feature of any sim
worth its salt, is something that I can live without for my
entertainment.  I use my imagination to pretend that the test driver has
done all the hard work! :o)

> Something that I wish to clarify here too Bruce. I like and almost insist on it staying
> as is under *race* conditions, but I'm sure that everyone, including your good self, will
> find it very tedious after a while in testing.

Goy Larse

GPL Weather

by Goy Larse » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I agree Bruce, and there`s another factor too, a large part of the
"game" buying audience are plain not interrested in playing against
other people, they want to sit down and enjoy the game on their own, not
being affected by other peoples demands on how a game should be played

I don`t know how many copies of N2 was sold in the US, but there`s
"only" about 6500 who play it on TEN

I play N2 on TEN, N2 is ideal for online playing in that you`re always
battling with someone on the track, you`re almost never alone

GPL around Nurburgring, hm.......I don`t know, 20 cars around a 20+ km
track, you could basically be driving every lap except the first one
without ever seeing another car, wow, exciting, err........, however,
when playing alone against the PC I can adjust the AI to run at my pace,
and presuming that the AI is any good, I can do this for the whole race

N2 is a game I never play offline (I don`t really like Nascar) except
for testing purposes (well I run the TPTCC, but that`s something else
:-), but I love playing online, from what I`ve seen, there`s a big
chance the opposite will be true with GPL

I also play strategy games, I love playing Age of Empire on the Zone,
but I`ve played is as much offline as I`ve played it online, and it`s
the only strategy game I`ve been interrested in playing online as well,
because I usually like to play at my own pace, think things through and
hit the "pause" key whenever I feel like it

Conclusion; I like playing online, but it`s no requirement for me, just
a nice bonus if it`s possible, and being on the retail end of games and
hardware, the feedback I get from my customers is much the same

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
UncleGoy on TEN

David G Fishe

GPL Weather

by David G Fishe » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I guess I missed those last 4 words. I got confused since there is no
practice to leave or join up with while in progress in MTM2. He mentioned
MTM2 and F1RS. Two very different ways of online racing. With MTM2 (I'm sure
you already know this) you just have people type in you IP address and go. I
guess the only difference between CPR and GPL TCP/IP race setup is the
practice sessions.
Thanks for the info.


>What John meant about coming_and_going whenever someone feels like it,
>is that unlike MTM2/CPR - where you have a meeting area, GPL allows
>you to join a parctice session ALREADY in progress.  No more re-

>If the time is set for say 40-min, and you've got to go eat din-din,
>then you can rejoin the practice afterwards (provided no booting from
>the host/paticipants have occured.  You can disconnect from the 'net,
>and then dial into your sever at anytime to rejoin.  Pretty neat!  =)



David G Fishe

GPL Weather

by David G Fishe » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I don't understand how some of those surveyed felt tied to a schedule by
racing online? I just connect to the Zone whenever I want to race. Also,
while I understand some people don't have an interest in online ***,
auto/motorsport racing is all about competition. Human competition being the
best. Even if only a small minority wanted online racing (which I don't
believe) then it should be put in. The technology is there. Others have done
it so there is no excuse.


>Thanks, Goy.
>Your comments echo those of many of our customers: we carried out a
>survey regarding on-line *** and it was, I must admit, a surprise
>that the majority had no interest in on-line ***.
>Most cited the reason as not wishing to be tied to a schedule when it
>came to using their computer for relaxation: if they worked with
>computers (9 to 5) then they were damned if they were going to "work"
>when playing games!

Bruce Kennewel

GPL Weather

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Thanks, Goy.
Your comments echo those of many of our customers: we carried out a
survey regarding on-line *** and it was, I must admit, a surprise
that the majority had no interest in on-line ***.
Most cited the reason as not wishing to be tied to a schedule when it
came to using their computer for relaxation: if they worked with
computers (9 to 5) then they were damned if they were going to "work"
when playing games!

> some equally interesting stuff!

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Byron Forbe

GPL Weather

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> Funnily enough, I have rarely bothered with "testing".....not in any
> racing sim that I've ever owned have I ever considered it to be a "must"
> for me to get involved with.
> I've either used a stock set-up, someones' suggestions or just dropped
> the wings a few notches, slapped on some "C" tyres and that's it!! :o)

> My entertainment simply comes from the "driving" and when I get jack of
> it (the sim) I simply give it a rest for a while.....maybe even delete
> it from the computer for several weeks. Although it will take a long
> time for that feeling to come around with GPL, I am sure!

> Nope...."setting-up and testing", whilst an integral feature of any sim
> worth its salt, is something that I can live without for my
> entertainment.  I use my imagination to pretend that the test driver has
> done all the hard work! :o)

   Ah haa! Now I understand. Well, you can be sure that those of us who strive to win in
leagues spend as much time sorting setups, if not more, then we do actually racing the
event. I normally find the racing the easiest part of the whole thing!

    I must say Bruce that you are only getting half the sim experience by skipping the
wonders and art of setups. Getting good at it and consequently being able to run with
pretty much anyone around is EXTREMELY rewarding I find! Time is of the essence of course
- if you quit posting to this NG for a while you'll no doubt become a genius at it! LOL.

Byron Forbe

GPL Weather

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Btw Richard, what is the NROS like. Much warping? An overview from your European
perspective would be much appreciated. Pro's and cons. I have even heard Americans report
"some" warping!

   I must confess I was forgetting Europe, but in any case I'd like to know the ratio of
Europeans to Americans if you know off hand. Anyway, my point was that Papy seem to be
chiefly concerned with the American market ie a Yank based sim and the NROS server based
in the U.S. Not that I blame them of course, particularly with this sim. I just can't
understand their, and other companies to date, seeming lack of interest in multiplayer for
the world! Ubisoft seemed to be impeded by the F1 bozos for some unknown reason but a pure
online approach is not practical (particularly without an NROS type setup) IMO.

> >  Main reason being, as you almost imply, is that there is no sim setup to do so that
> >particularly interests Aussies or anyone outside the U.S.

> Sorry to disappoint you, Byron, but racing on NROS/TEN is eminently
> possible from Europe, so it's not just limited to the US. I've had several
> 100% (500 mile!) races as well as innumerable shorter ones.

> Still not much good for you, but it's not quite as limited as you are
> implying.

> Cheers,
> Richard

> --
> We all bump into each other every day of our lives, and we render our opinions
> whether we know anything or not, and if anybody catches us out we lie...

Goy Larse

GPL Weather

by Goy Larse » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> I don't understand how some of those surveyed felt tied to a schedule by
> racing online? I just connect to the Zone whenever I want to race. Also,
> while I understand some people don't have an interest in online ***,
> auto/motorsport racing is all about competition. Human competition being the
> best. Even if only a small minority wanted online racing (which I don't
> believe) then it should be put in. The technology is there. Others have done
> it so there is no excuse.

> Dave
> DmndDave


You`re leaving one important thing out of your equation, money

While a large number of people may enjoy online-***, they do not
require that it be in the game to buy it, so the developers have to
weigh for and against, after all, they are supposed to make money from

As for the schedule thing, once you get to know people you play against,
on the Zone, on TEN or whatever, you soon start*** with certain
"crowds", join leagues or whatever, then you`re into a schedule right ?

Don`t get me wrong here, I enjoy online ***, but I`d sure as hell buy
GPL even if didn`t even support LAN, I could lock myself in and play
this sim for ever if it`s anything as good as the demo promises it to be
and probably not miss playing it online very much, but then again I
haven`t played it against other humans, so I may be totally wrong of
course, only time will tell :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
UncleGoy on TEN

(As for human competition, you`ve not played much N2 on TEN have you :-)

Bruce Kennewel

GPL Weather

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

No, David, you're missing their point:  they use the computer for
entertainment, relaxation, a spot of *** rather than work, a few
hours an evening for a wind-down. They DO NOT want to use it for
competition with other humans, particularly where it is necessary to "be
on-line between the hours of...."

This was the BIG factor, the really major beef; that scheduling took
away the very reason that they used the computer when playing
games....that they did so when *THEY* felt like it and *IF* they felt
like it.

It was only after getting this type of response that we realised that
there is a large sector of the *** industry who perceives that the
majority of people who use their computers for entertainment want to
play games head-to-head with other humans. Nothing could be further from
the truth, it seems.

It was interesting that cost was secondary to independance...although
not by much! :o)

> while I understand some people don't have an interest in online > ***,
> auto/motorsport racing is all about competition. Human competition being the
> best. Even if only a small minority wanted online racing (which I don't
> believe)

Well, believe it.
The majority of NG may want it but they are
represent a minority of games buyers and users.   A very, very tiny


Bruce Kennewel

GPL Weather

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

HAHA!  :o)
No, Byron....*MY* entertainment is *MY* thing, as your entertainment is
yours, and so on.
I have raced in off-line leagues because of the entertainment value, not
because I had any great desire to win.  Simply the fact of having an
address to which I emailed my race result made not the slightest
difference to how I went about the game!
I played Indianapols 500 for ages without ever finishing a race (it
couldn't be saved) but it didn't lessen my enjoyment of the experience.
In GP1 I couldn't drive a car in wet conditions to save my life so I
simply missed the wet races! :o)

To me it's relaxation and the ability to marvel at what technology is
capable of....nothing more.

> I must say Bruce that you are only getting half the sim experience by > skipping the
> wonders and art of setups.

Pat Dotso

GPL Weather

by Pat Dotso » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:55:31 -0300, Rafael Medeiros

> You don't need a Sierra private server, you make your own. It's a bit
> like Quake - you setup a server (just by connecting to the internet
> and launching GPL), others enter your IP address and connect to your
> system and away you go - it's easy, and very convenient. Not like F1RS

I always thought that Quake World was some sort of UNIX based
server program that operated independently of the actual game.
Is that wrong?

What we need is a way to eliminate the slowest part of an
internet connection from the process - namely, the phone
line connection between the host's modem and his ISP.  If
there was a UNIX based server program for GPL that would
run on a shell account, you would have a much faster
connection for all the clients, and bandwidth wouldn't be
much of an issue.  That would basically equate to NROS
wouldn't it?

As long as we are still tied to having all the positional
data traveling through the host's phone line connection
to the internet, it seems like on-line racing outside
of a dedicated server will not progress very far.  The
only way to effectively host a race would be with a
cable modem connection or something similar.  That
was a real limitation back in the Kali days of N2.

Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports

David G Fishe

GPL Weather

by David G Fishe » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>As long as we are still tied to having all the positional
>data traveling through the host's phone line connection
>to the internet, it seems like on-line racing outside
>of a dedicated server will not progress very far.  The
>only way to effectively host a race would be with a
>cable modem connection or something similar

It already has progressed farther than you think possibly. What is the
newest racing title that you've tried online? There are racing games out
right now that provide excellent online play. I don't expect the progression
will suddenly stop either.


David G Fishe

GPL Weather

by David G Fishe » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I guess I can understand their not wanting to compete with humans, but the
time thing doesn't make much sense to me, unless they only race/play their
friends. I don't know how detailed this survey was, but was it specific to
sports sims, and racing games in particular? Men and women respondents? How
many of the respondents were regular internet users? Sport and racing game
enthusiasts would be much more interested in online play than some of the
other *** genres I'd expect. These are just some questions I'd like to
know the answers to before I'd fully believe the last part of your post.

Then again, I try not to make decisions without hard facts either, so I'm
certainly open to the possibility of being wrong. Either way, racing sims,
more than most other games, demands the ability to race online so the
majority of gamers opinions doesn't really matter all that much to me in
this case.

Regardless of what someone may think of MS, they do seem to hit on the
trends of the software industry as their success proves. Why do you think
they have made online racing such a priority with their releases? Their last
3 motorsport releases (CPR, MTM2, and MCM) all have online racing a top
feature. Their following motorsport games will do the same I'm sure.
Actually, they seem to be making it a priority in most of their ***
releases, and the Zone is part of that. I believe the poll you took is
correct in it's results, but I also see what MS is doing so your thoughts
would be interesting.



>No, David, you're missing their point:  they use the computer for
>entertainment, relaxation, a spot of *** rather than work, a few
>hours an evening for a wind-down. They DO NOT want to use it for
>competition with other humans, particularly where it is necessary to "be
>on-line between the hours of...."

>This was the BIG factor, the really major beef; that scheduling took
>away the very reason that they used the computer when playing
>games....that they did so when *THEY* felt like it and *IF* they felt
>like it.

>It was only after getting this type of response that we realised that
>there is a large sector of the *** industry who perceives that the
>majority of people who use their computers for entertainment want to
>play games head-to-head with other humans. Nothing could be further from
>the truth, it seems.

>It was interesting that cost was secondary to independance...although
>not by much! :o)


David G Fishe

GPL Weather

by David G Fishe » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

What about my MS question? There has to be a reason why they are making
online *** such a priority.


>David, from our customer database we took the names of all those who had
>bought motor-sports and flight-simulator games that could be played
>on-line or head-to-head or through a dedicated LAN arrangement.
>This amounted to over 400 customers. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.