Convert wheel & pedals from 15 pin joystick port to usb?

Mark Moone

Convert wheel & pedals from 15 pin joystick port to usb?

by Mark Moone » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Is there a way to do this?  Has anyone done it?


Mark Mooney


Convert wheel & pedals from 15 pin joystick port to usb?

by Andrew » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00

(a) Gut your old LWFF and use the board from that.  (my plan)
(b) Get one of these, whatever it is and whenever it ships.***
(c) Someone makes a converter, but when I found it all I saw were drivers
for the Mac.

There's no easy way and whatever you do you're going to need drivers.

Mark Moone

Convert wheel & pedals from 15 pin joystick port to usb?

by Mark Moone » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

    Got this from Joe Lamos over on the N3 board.  Thought you might be
Sure did! last month I had to go to Chicago for two weeks and brought my
laptop and TSW2 wheel! I had purchased a Rockfire
USB-Nest Joystick converter and was able to do some racing online with my
ThinkPad 600. It was so.... funny; because I had tried to
hook my TSW2 wheel to the desk and it wouldn't fit, so I put my laptop on
the desk and set the ironing board in front of the desk and
set the TSW2 wheel on top of the ironing board and pushed the wheel back
against the desk for support. As heavy as the wheel is, I didn't
even need to clamp it down. I also lowered the ironing board to adjust for
height. It was the perfect setup!... until the damn housekeeping
lady came in my room and couldn't stop laughing. hahaha. You should have
seen that setup!   I bought it for 15 bucks at http://www.***
luckily for me, they are 2 miles from my work.

> > Is there a way to do this?  Has anyone done it?

> (a) Gut your old LWFF and use the board from that.  (my plan)
> (b) Get one of these, whatever it is and whenever it ships.
> (c) Someone makes a converter, but when I found it all I saw were drivers
> for the Mac.

> There's no easy way and whatever you do you're going to need drivers.

Brett C. Camma

Convert wheel & pedals from 15 pin joystick port to usb?

by Brett C. Camma » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Funny story!  Good info, too.  I sent GPL to my bro along with an old
set of pedals and a joystick I didn't use anymore.  Problem is that
all he's got is one of those Sony Vaio laptops which, of course, has
no gameport to plug them into.

I passed the info on to him immediately.  I really appreciated it.  We
are geographically distant and I'd love to get him on-line to race
with.  Thanks again!

Brett C. Cammack
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