> > I notice that when I am qualifying I will get a slight pause for the first
> > announcement that I have the pole. But no pauses for subsequent
> > pole records. I never get any pause at all for quick engine rpm
> > changes. Mostly just the announcer. I am thinking that going from
> > 32MB to 64MB will fix it. It seems to be a soundfile caching issue.
> Well, getting closer. Why people would seem to think that pauses like
> these are inevitably related to sound playback taking up huge amounts CPU
> resources, simply beats me. Next time you're about to experience these
> pauses, keep an eye out for some disk activity. Don't blink yer eyes
> though, otherwise you'll miss that brief but revealing moment, it might
> only be a tiniest flash of the HD light. I've got a basic Vibra-based
> SB16 myself, coupled with a Yamaha SW60XG wavetable standalone for MIDI
> sounds and I've never experienced even a slightest pause that could've
> been attributed to the sound hardware doin' it's job.
> As for the 32Mb->64Mb upgrade, that's always useful in Windows, but it'll
> hardly do anything for the pauses. I've seen several systems with 64Mb or
> more RAM which still occasionally suffer from these fraction-of-a-second
> pauses described in this thread. And those pauses occured because of disk
> activity. The soundfile still has to be loaded the first time its played.
Yeah, and I think some of these first lap slowdowns are a result of
the same thing. It's quite strande really. Sometimes I get the HD going
crazy even with replays off and other times everything is ok even with
replays on. It seems Ubisoft have not made things better for machines
with more ram as the lousy 5 min replay indicates for eg.