There is no FF, but there is meant to be a patch (Mid-November IIRC) to
implement this *properly* rather than the pseudo-FF that was in CS. It is
not an ideal situation, but I think that including proper FF will really
make this the best modern F1 ever.
I have also been amazed about just how stable it is, I played for about 3-4
hours when I first got it with no crashes whatsoever (I had heeded warnings
about Geforce driver versions). Hopefully the isnt the problem here :/
Hope you get it working, I *DO* think it is worth the hassle to get it
working properly, although I am deeply disappointed that Multiplayer AI isnt
included, rendering it useless for our FULL GP LAN league :(. I would hope
they would add this, but it seems like I am the only person who really wants
this :(.
All the best,
| I just tried F1 2001 and was quite dissapointed. Everytime I
| went to a track selection, the game crashed and the sound
| repeated.
| Anyway, I downloaded the latest drivers for my SB Live! &
| V5 5500. Now I read on the EA website that there is no
| ForceFeedback in F1 2001 at all. Is this right? In F1 2000
| and F1 2000 CS, you could at least feel the bumps in the
| road, curbing and when hitting other cars.
| --
| Thanks,