"Bite me. I'll post what I want, when I want, where I want."
...but I think I hurt myself.
1) This is R.A.S.. The messages I post are for the guys that race in
R.A.S.CAR. I don't think I need to point out the correlation, unless
of course we're dealing with someone out there that's a REAL slow
2) I tried a combined message, but I got exactly TWO responses. If
you noticed that I sent out at least a dozen specific requests for
information, you can obviously see that the unified message had no
noticeable effect.
3) I don't use Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, ICU, UC-ME, or any other cutsie
little program. Since I'm one of the admins (not to mention the one
with the sortest fuse), nobody else will use it for RASCAR stuff
4) I'm not here to be anyone's friend. I'm here to get everyone's
ducks lined up in a neat little row, not to make sure I haven't
defaced anyone's sensitivities. God knows I got a lot of other
computer stuff I haave to do that doesn't even impact RASCAR.
5) Stop whining and put RASCAR in your filter list.
6) If you want some say as to what goes on in and around RASCAR, join
the group. Until then, STFU.
Oh yeah...
7) Bite me. I'll post what I want, when I want, where I want.