> I was wondering what games come with the 3 cards. These are what I
>all cards come with ICRII and Quake. Intergraph's also comes with
>Hellbender and Monster Truck Madness. Sierra's also comes with some
>fighting game (don't know the name) and A-10. What others and what comes
>with Creative's board. Also, when is Sierra's board due out? The issue of
>games is the only determining factor as to what board I buy. Thanks.
Sierra's board ships with A-10, ICR2 and ***Gladiators. The boards
are available now. I just ordered mine yesterday and it should be
here by Thursday. $199.95+8.00 for UPS 2-day delivery= $207.95.
On a side note, I was trying to decide between the Sierra board and
Intergraph's reactor. I was told to make my decision based on
support. I called the local Intergraph office here and was told how
to contact a local reseller. I called the reseller and he knew very
little about the card. Not only did he not know the price of the
card, he also assured me that there would be no bundled software to
come with it. He told me that he would find out the necessary
information and call me back. That was yesterday afternoon. While I
waited, I called Sierra and ordered the Screamin' 3D....