I just finished installing My Screamin 3D and I am puzzled. I have
found the fps to be equal or worse than before, even with the 4 bit
carset and grass, ground, and car textures off. I know because when I
used those same settings before and then turned one of those three from
off to "Auto" it would not come on at the beg. of a race, it would
flicker on occasionally on the pace lap (of course, this was with min
and max set to 30) (also remember I'm talking about 20+ cars on the
screen including the rear view mirrors). Now in the Rendition version I
have been runing with those three textures "off" and the rest of the
textures on as before. I turn the fps counter on during a pace lap and
the fps is below 30. There should be at least some improvement right?
I know there is nothing wrong with the card because quake runs great at
640X480. With quake I had to apply a patch before I got the performance
improvement. I didn't notice anything like that for ICR2. I have tried
the indycar, indyfast, and the third one for older comps. I suppose the
problem has to be in the mode or I need to apply some other patch but I
can't find anything like that. BTW, I do get the white "Rentition
Ready" screen at the beginning. I'm running on a Dell P Pro 200.
Many thanks to anyone who has some advice to offer.