It looks like thier a new engine in town for the racing simulations
with availability of the new AMD's K6-233MMX. The K6 appears to
be better than the INTEL PENTIUM PRO with any measurements used.
We can't wait here at the IVGA as we expect our K6-233MMX any day
to complete our testing. But simply put we like the AMD K6 because:
1). 25% the cost of a INTEL PENTIUM PRO 200-MMX
2). Up to 4 Times as much cache and it starts at
512K, where the INTEL 512K as impossible to
3). Currently supports MMX out of the box..
4). Runs circles around the INTEL PENTIUM PRO.
5). With the VIA and AMD-640 Chip set will
support 75, 83 and 100MHZ bus speeds
6). Supports the SDRAM.
Its truly the first:
1). 300Mhz Processor
2). 100Mhz Bus
3). 100Mhz Memory Speed.
Now for what a couple of other people are saying...
Check out the link at the RACEROCK - AUTO-SIMULATION GATEWAY
Don Wilshe, IVGA
AMD-K6(TM) MMX Processor
Here's What They're Saying...
"In side-by-side comparisons, it [the AMD-K6 processor] equaled and
even bested equivalent Intel machines on our Winstone
benchmark. What's more, the K6 is equipped from day one with MMX...
Even better, the K6 exhibits none of the Pentium Pro's
lackadaisical behavior running 16-bit code..."
--Bill Machrone, PC Week.
"It's going to be huge," said Toby Grace, president of Computer 1,
a large seller of PC's and components in Austin. "The K6 is
an awesome chip. Intel is shaking in its boots."
--Austin American Statesman
"...An Exceptionally Strong Comptetitor...."
--Computer World
"AMD's K6 Beats Intel...."
--San Jose Mercury News
"K6 Is World's Fastest x86 Chip"
--Linley Gwennap, Microprocessor Report
"...A serious competitive challenge to Intel..."
--Los Angeles Times
"..There's a ton of money to be saved by going with the K6...."
--Nathan Brookwood, (Dataquest for c/net)
"AMD is poised... to become the most significant alternate to Intel
in 1997. At 8.8 million transistors, AMD's K6 is the most
complex of the next-generation designs... With a compact,
high-performance design, lots of fab capacity, strong sales and
support, and multiple design teams, AMD should be in a strong
--Michael Slater, Microprocessor Report
Ok, Dave Sparks and Eric Busch what do you think of the K6????