Well I'm starting to really get into GPL now, and I love all the eye candy.
Right now I'm running a AMD T-bird 1.4 with a Geforce 2 GTS 64 meg video
card. I hold 36 with a few cars on screen, but at the starts it drops to mid
20 range. Would a new chip or a better video card be a better upgrade? With
a BIOS flash I can run up to a AMD 1800 XP CPU or I should I go for a
ATI8500 or GF3 Ti500? With 3dmark2001 a video card gives the higher
benchmark, but the GF2 gets dinged because of the lack of DX 8 features so
I'm not sure if its a true apples to apples comparison.
Part 2
If a video card is the way to go which one is the way to go, ATI 8500 or GF3
Ti500? I talked to a guy I know and he made the change from a GF2 to a GF3
and he told me that the GF3 wasn't a real image quality upgrade over the
GF2. He did say that the added horse power of the GF3 did allow him to run a
higher level of FSAA so he did get some image quality upgrade, but not a
lot. I had a ATI Rage Maxx Fury Pro card in the past and I thought that card
had a better image than the GF2 with out FSAA so I'm kinda leaning toward
the ATI at the moment.