independently of the main 2001 game.... I can now report total success. All
new drivers and cars are there, the new game title screen comes up instead
of the old.
I had originally followed the same idea as used for the GT2 mod, but for
some reason it would always load 2001, and would not use the 02 config file
is specified.
Well some kind chap has created a Season 2002 .exe file that has solved the
problem for me, it created a conf02 file in my game directory, and then kept
running the graphics set-up program... I was getting rather annoyed at what
I though was another failure to get the 02 season running, when I though I'd
copy the video settings from my main config into the conf02 file.... Hey
presto the game loads first time.
I found all the info I needed here
Now I don't know if it all works with the new patch that was released the
other day.... If I install the new patch, F1 won't work at all under W2k
anymore... and I thought a patch was supposed to fix problems not cause
I'm now very happy...***EA and there F1 2002 game, this will do me just
fine.. I'm not wasting yet more money for a minimalist revamping of another
EA game.. let's face it, they tweak the graphics a little, change some names
and features, add a few more voice overs and different movies... and that's
about it.
F1 2001 and the GT2 and Season 2002 mods will keep me entertained for a good
few months.... Now I'm off to race with McNish in the F1 Toyota... because I
can. :o)
Mr Flibble is Dead Long Live Heckler
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