> > While I did expect better throttle control, the improved FF suprised
> > Anybody have a clue WHY it seems better?
> Dunno - wish I did. That way I could remove most of that road effect you
> noticed. I had all my FF settings so that there was no vibration from the
> road surface, and now this has added them back. It may be "realistic"
> I find it kinda annoying after a while...
Damien Smith
ICQ: 77028579
F1 2001 rank: +3.486
I had all my FF settings so that there was no vibration from the
OK - I'm game. I'll give it a go. I just think it's strange that things
were working fine vefore DXTweak was applied. Maybe it has to do with the
input values being doubled...
"briGuy" > OK - I'm game. I'll give it a go. I just think it's strange
that things
Has anyone whose used the dxtweek 2 had any other problems? Like loosing
a few kph off the top end?? Ihave gotten 314 on the Kemmel straight at
Spa....but after trying the dx2 tweeks, I only top out at 299 kph. Do
weather conditions (i.e. air temperature) change even if you have the dry
forcast selected?
dave henrie
I thought I was going bananas, but it's good to read I'm not the only
one who experienced this. As soon as I fixed my split-axis problems
using DXTweak, the ff improved bigtime, suddenly I understood why
people were raving about F1 2001's ff.
I can't see the logic of fixing the split-axis problem resulting in
improved ff, but at least it did the trick..
I used the old version of DXTweak btw, haven't tried the new version
FFB_Throttle_FX_On_Steer_Axis=1 // 0 or 1. 0 = Throttle effects
applied to throttle axis, 1 = Throttle effects applied to the steering
FFB_Brake_FX_On_Steer_Axis=1 // 0 or 1. 0 = Brake effects applied
to brake axis, 1 = Brake effects applied to the steering axis.
I keep setting these to zero, and the game keeps setting them back to 1.
So it seems that F1 2001 is always applying some amount of throttle and
brake effect to the steering. That could explain why changing the
throttle and brake axis calibrations is changing what you are feeling.
BTW I also followed the instructions in the file and set the vibration
frequencies to 0, and yet I still get vibrations. Things are not all as
they seem with this file.