Damn! :)
Well, I think we can all learn from each other, and since Tom does real
racing, I think he has quite a bit to teach us. I did real racing for a
while too, but in a different class of cars and under very different
As a matter of fact, we ALL have something to teach each other. I
didn't see Tom's post as being snobby, but more as an act of self
preservation due to perceived performance issues for the rest of us.
Tom is free to feel that way if he chooses, but I think he's gonna miss
out on some pretty good races.
As for me...
Even I have to say that I'm a bit apprehensive about racing with guys
that aren't used to stockcar racing, but hey, it's just a game. Sure I
was mad at my last incident last night, but I was just mad about my bad
I had gotten the car loose coming off the last turn and had finessed it
into what I thought was gonna be a great save, when Steve nudged me
(surely not his own fault because I had lost speed trying to save the
car, and he was going to pass me low), and I spun into the pits as a
result. Thankfully, I was slowed enough that I didn't get a black flag
for speeding on pitroad, but I was penalized for entering a closed pit
(grrrr). I had to fall to the end of the line on the next restart, and
I lost some aero because my hood was pushed up a moderate amount.
At the last restart (lap 49) I lost two spots because my aero problems
kept me from getting up to speed enough to hold of dave, and as we came
around the last turn, ed white had the aero advantage as we raced back
to the finish line. It would have been very bad form to block weither
one of them (and besides, this is called "racing", not "blocking". I
don't believe in blocking, even on the last lap.
And here's a perfect example of why you should never quit a race. There
was some great racing going on in the back of the field, and if you quit
without saving the replay, you missed a good chance to see what was
going on.
So where's the next race(s)? :)
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
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