Please, please, Ed. Give us some insight on the progress to date.
Is it going to be weeks? months? I'm not looking for a deadlock
date for an answer, just one as general as the latest announce-
ment. Should us Hawaii drivers that are in between leagues go
ahead and schedule up some new short, medium, or long leagues?
I personally won't gripe or complain about any answer you give
that gives us some _general_ timeframe. I would much rather
whatever time that is needed to make it right is used. (as I'm sure
is the plan anyway) I just want to be able to feed this ***ion
that you all started for me. :) But, I would hate to start up a
new league of a given season length and have to switch up from
N1 to N2 mid way.
Shawn Wise
"S_Wise" on Hawaii
> Can anyone please tell me the latest on NRO. I have heard nothing lately.
> thought they were shooting for March. Even the people at Ten can't tell
> anything. Please just give some info.....are you looking for the next
> of months or will it be in the summer? Any help will be appreciated.