I just wanted to say Thanks to Ed (et. al.) for playing such an active role
here and putting up all the headaches that go along.
Most of us really appreciate individuals and organizations that are willing to
step up to the front lines and get involved with their customers. It doesn't
happen often enough, but the companies that do earn my respect and loyalty.
I posted a request for help in this group several days ago. Within hours(!) I
had gotten a response from Ed in this group *and* an email from Charlie with a
potential solution. THIS IS GREAT SUPPORT! Let's not forget that.
Having said that, I'm just as anxious an the next guy for the remaining bugs
to get worked out of Hawaii (a beta product remember) and for a better access
method (I'm not looking forward to my phone bill). I'm also anxious to get my
lockup problems fixed. But given the level of support I've seen here so far,
I'm confident that these things will be addressed.
Thanks Ed. Keep up the great support.