Hi Ed,(or anyone at Papyrus who may be looking in).
I now have all 3 sims(nascar,ICR2,and GP2),and have been running them
all over the last month or so.
It's come to my realization that you guys have a golden opportunity to
completely wrap up this market....BUT...I am concerned about that.
Nascar is quite brilliant,regardless of minor complaints,and a
regeneration or improvement on the original concept would be an absolute
masterpiece,when written with the ICR2 graphics engine!!I await it's
arrival like an expectant Father,for Gods sake!
My concern is that you guys,may succumb(?),to the GP2 syndrome of the
Pentium 200+ desease :-),and I would be far more gratified with your
reassurances,that a guy with a lowly old Pentium 120 with good stuff in
it,will at least be able to run it as good as ICR2 does now...
I greatly respect your company and personnel,and just don't wanna be
left for dead,by you guys.
I do apprecite that GRAPHICAL BEAUTY,is all the rage,but it should not
be at the complete expense of a large majority of your faithful
customers,and am hoping that you will endevour to strike a much happier
medium,as your track record to date,shows...
We are in your hands,give us a REALISTIC Sim,just like your current
models,playable on PC's smaller than the CIA mainframes,but with all the
refinements expected of a mature racing sim...
We are a bunch of Sim Racing Enthusiasts,not "Arcade Game Players"
Thanks for listening,and for maintaining your enthusiasm for all of us
out here in sim racing land.
Kind Regards