: Papyrus,
: On the Sierra web page, here is what is written in reference to the Indycar II
: patch...
: It says that the patch will NOT work with the CD ROM installation, what does
: that mean??? You need the CD ROM to run the game, I did do the CD ROM
: installation, does that mean I can't upgrade?!?!? Tell me what I need to do,
: in order to upgrade this thing.
There are many files which are updated with this patch. Most of which
are not copied to your hard drive unless you do a complete installation
of the CD-ROM (about 42-45 meg). Since the CD-ROM is Read-Only, there
is no way to patch the files unless they are all installed on your Hard
Drive. The message on Sierra's web page is poorly worded and has caused
others to be confused. To make matters worse, the 1.01 to 1.02 patch
also states it must be used on a Complete Hard Drive installation. This
is EXTREME overkill! If I remember correctly this patch only requires
2 files to be copied from the CD-ROM to the hard drive.
Papyrus, can you please help Sierra out? Both of these messages need to
be re-written.
: Also, what is the latest on the "Trade-In" for the new CD for Indycar II???
I have heard no word from Papyrus on this. We were promised we would be
informed when the "official" word came out on this. Sierra's old policy
of sending in the original CD-ROM and $15.00, seems to be the only word
on this. Papyrus, can you please confirm that this is the "last" &
"final" word on this?
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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