OK, here goes:
It's my understanding (am I correct?) that the Diamond Monster 3D
graphics card requires a 2D graphics card to be present as well. I have
a Shuttle Spacewalker mainboard (PCI) with a Pentium P-166 (not a II).
Assuming for the moment (again, correct me if I'm wrong) that the
Diamond Monster 3D card is currently a very good choice for sims that
support 3D, what would be a good 2D card to mate with it?
Sims I run are ICR II, GP II, N2, RAC Rally, GP Mangler, Silent Thunder
and the odd space shoot-em-up. I have seen the Monster 3D w/4Mb as low
as $139, which seems pretty good. Are there other card combos better?
One thing I'd like to incorporate is video capture.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Bart brown