My local Computer City is in the midst of its going out of business
sale. They have 8MB Thriller 3D's at $127 ($149 - 15% discount). After
reading Allison's GPL hardware FAQ, I was really tempted. However, I
presently have a PII-266 w/ 64meg of RAM and a Voodoo 1 card. From what
I've read, that should certainly be enough for single player GPL. Would
the Thriller give me any performance boost that would be seen in
I don't play N2 much but I still really enjoy ICR2. If I get the
Thriller, will I be sufficiently impressed w/ Rendition ICR2? Also, I'm
presently, a happy owner of a 4MB Matrox Milleneum (original version). I'd
hate to give up any 2D performance and/or VESA stability (I still run some
DOS games) if I switched to the Thriller. I'm sure the Herc's a good
card. It's just that I'm wondering if it would be a waste of money in my
case. Opinions?
Bill Mette | "A person is smart. People are dumb."
MCSNet, Chicago | - K MiB