Thriller 3D: worth it?

Bill Met

Thriller 3D: worth it?

by Bill Met » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

  My local Computer City is in the midst of its going out of business
sale.  They have 8MB Thriller 3D's at $127 ($149 - 15% discount).  After
reading Allison's GPL hardware FAQ, I was really tempted.  However, I
presently have a PII-266 w/ 64meg of RAM and a Voodoo 1 card.  From what
I've read, that should certainly be enough for single player GPL.   Would
the Thriller give me any performance boost that would be seen in
  I don't play N2 much but I still really enjoy ICR2.  If I get the
Thriller, will I be sufficiently impressed w/ Rendition ICR2?  Also, I'm
presently, a happy owner of a 4MB Matrox Milleneum (original version). I'd
hate to give up any 2D performance and/or VESA stability (I still run some
DOS games) if I switched to the Thriller.  I'm sure the Herc's a good
card.  It's just that I'm wondering if it would be a waste of money in my
case.  Opinions?
Bill Mette      | "A person is smart.  People are dumb."
MCSNet, Chicago |                        - K MiB


Thriller 3D: worth it?

by mack » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a thriller & it runs icr2 rendition version great !!!!!

>   My local Computer City is in the midst of its going out of business
> sale.  They have 8MB Thriller 3D's at $127 ($149 - 15% discount).  After
> reading Allison's GPL hardware FAQ, I was really tempted.  However, I
> presently have a PII-266 w/ 64meg of RAM and a Voodoo 1 card.  From what
> I've read, that should certainly be enough for single player GPL.   Would
> the Thriller give me any performance boost that would be seen in
> multiplayer?
>   I don't play N2 much but I still really enjoy ICR2.  If I get the
> Thriller, will I be sufficiently impressed w/ Rendition ICR2?  Also, I'm
> presently, a happy owner of a 4MB Matrox Milleneum (original version).
> hate to give up any 2D performance and/or VESA stability (I still run
> DOS games) if I switched to the Thriller.  I'm sure the Herc's a good
> card.  It's just that I'm wondering if it would be a waste of money in my
> case.  Opinions?
> --
> Bill Mette      | "A person is smart.  People are dumb."
> MCSNet, Chicago |                        - K MiB is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.