> I received an e-mail from the sales people at Hercules that this card should be
> released at the end of this month..... If the local guru's would take a look at
> the web site for this card and give some feedback/opinion I would appreciate
> it.
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> For me, my next PC will be a 300+ machine w/AGP capability so 3D cards w/AGP
> should work nicely, right???
> Andrew
I've been drooling over this card ever since Boot magazine did a
preview on a V2200 "reference" card. They didn't ID the card but it was
the Hercules Thriller 3D. I keep in touch with the good folks at
Hercules and have been informed that the the Thriller will be available
in both 4 & 8meg versions, PCI and AGP.Yes, you read that right, 8meg
AGP. Just the idea of an 8meg AGP card gets me pretty e***d. The AGP's
should be available by the end of January.
I run a PII/300 AGP with 128megs of SDRAM. That said, I yanked out the
two different AGP cards I've tried and am running off the PCI bus. The
present AGP cards stink (Nvidia Riva 128), I can't wait to try the
Thriller. FYI, Jazz Multimedia is getting ready to release the Outlaw 3D
(V2200) in the same configurations as the Thriller and at about the same
time. I think I'll pick up one of each and run 'em through their paces!
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."