PIII667 o/c 750
Rage Fury 32MB
No problems at all, solid 36 FPS at 1280X1024.
I'm using the latest "special purpose" beta drivers from ATi. They are
quite stable and worth a try if you're not using them.
One thing I found is that my frame rate is *a lot* better if I disable the
z-buffer (see the D3D patch readme).
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Down to 15fps at the start of a race, moving up to 36 gradually - I've
usually crashed by then though :) I've tried the advice in the readme file.
P111 550/128Mb/Voodoo3 AGP with newest drivers.
> PIII667 o/c 750
> 128MB
> Rage Fury 32MB
> No problems at all, solid 36 FPS at 1280X1024.
> I'm using the latest "special purpose" beta drivers from ATi. They are
> quite stable and worth a try if you're not using them.
> One thing I found is that my frame rate is *a lot* better if I disable the
> z-buffer (see the D3D patch readme).
> Dale.
> --
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> > I have a problem with the new D3D-patch from Papyrus. I can start the
> > perfectly, running with 36 fps and 1024x768. But then after two minutes
> the
> > framerate goes down to 15-17. When I press F3 and come back, the
> > is back at 36. What is wrong? I have a PIII 550, 128MB, ATI Rage Fury
> 32MB.
> > Thanks