Well I can also see Schumacher saying, "man the deadzone on this car is
really too big, I have to turn the wheel so far before it starts turning,"
or, "When I hit the bump down the front straight, I can feel some lag in the
force through the steering wheel, we need to adjust our lag parameters to
make them sync up better." The game already has a setup screen for setting
up the car which seems to be generally the same stuff that Schumacher and
Martin tend to adjust on their cars. Oh well, just wanted to exaggerate on
your comment, I am trying to think of another way to compare the reason you
have to adjust the FF but there arent many real world comparison because
force in our world is not something we can just go and tweak. (I dont like
how I die when I fall off of a building, cant we make gravity weaker and
maybe make the effects of a direct impact with the ground at 80 MPH a little
less severe?) hehe.
Oh well
>>I just started usign de 1.1 patch. Using default FF setups (both in
>>and Control Panel Device) the wheel (MS FF) feels way too hard to steer.
> So don't use the default setups. The wheel manufacturer
>didn't know from GPL and GPL can't fit all wheels simultaneously. If
>you want good FF, you're going to have to learn to adjust things.
> I can just imagine Schumacher or Martin saying "Why do we have
>to spend all this time adjusting the car? I just want to drive."
> bob