I can't get my T2 to work in win 95.
I've tried to calibrate it the way Thrustmaster describes on it's site. But
my computer just doesn't seem to find my T2. Anybody knows how to solve
this problem?
CU. Patrick
I can't get my T2 to work in win 95.
I've tried to calibrate it the way Thrustmaster describes on it's site. But
my computer just doesn't seem to find my T2. Anybody knows how to solve
this problem?
CU. Patrick
I had the same problem. Here's what I did (not sure if we both share
the same problem or not).
1. I am connected to my SBPRO card
2. Had to use adaptor(supplied by ThrustMaster)
3. Go into Control Panel and dbl click on joystick, set type of
joystick to custom. As soon as you do this you will go to another menu
where you choose 2 axis 4 button, then choose for racing just below.
4. Once done click on apply, then OK.
5. Go into game and setup controler the normal way, and Wham-O it
works, that is with all Racing sims (Nascar, N2, GP2, and ICR2) except
Rally Championship.
I hope that this is a way you haven't tried yet and that it works for
Good Luck
Frank Jr
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