Grand National add on for Nascar, Indianapolis Track Pack etc. For
Grand Prix Legends. I was thinking that classic Sports Cars like the
E-type Jag's and Le Mans Cars of the era would be a fairly simple
add-on to the GPL product.
Any Thoughts? Papy?
Any Thoughts? Papy?
> I was wondering why Papyrus hasn't used the old add on formula ie:
> Grand National add on for Nascar, Indianapolis Track Pack etc. For
> Grand Prix Legends. I was thinking that classic Sports Cars like the
> E-type Jag's and Le Mans Cars of the era would be a fairly simple
> add-on to the GPL product.
> Any Thoughts? Papy?
You mean it sold badly???
> You're looking at it wrong: add-on's not only lengthen the shelflife of
>a product, but get others who would not normally have bought the original to
>buy it. I'm a prime example: GPL itself doesn't interest me, BUUUT, I might
>be interested in a stock car add-on or if there was a large "track pack" or
>something like that. I think a LOT of other people feel the same way.
| "Instead of letting the moon be the
Bill Mette | gateway to our future, we have let
Enteract, Chicago | it become a brief chapter in our
It's like movies. You don't release a sequel if the first one bombs.
GPL was a bomb as far as sales go.
That's business.
Quake 2 was a huge success right of the bat. There was a large community that
then made mods for it, keeping it alive.
We've seen this to a small extent with GPL. We've got the Brands Hatch and
Dubai add-ons and others have made new skins for the cars. But the community
is much smaller so there arent the number of people working on it to give us
If GPL had been as big a hit initially as Quake 2 then I think You'd have your
CanAm and Drag racing and probably dirt track mods and lots of other stuff.
There just aren't the same number of people interested in it.
Doom wasn't very open, but it was popular and it got hacked to death, giving us
all kinds of new maps and total conversions like "Aliens". Id software decided
to keep that going when they made Quake more open.
If someone can come up with a brands hatch, then obviously it's possible. It's
just not being done, that's all.
J. P.
> Any Thoughts? Papy?
Ditto. They could make more of a success of that Engine... hate to see
it go to waste (not really waste, because it's awesome, but lack of use
and evolutionary improvements).
They could really do a lot with it, and make cash (maybe?)! Even an
old (or modern) CART sim on that engine would be BRILLIANT.
Sent via
Before you buy.
There are so few people who know HOW to edit GPL out there, that there are
very few tools to do editing with. I for one would definitely have a go if
there was a visual track editor available for GPL that was anywhere near as
good as Worldcraft was for Quake...
That to me seems to be the reason that only Dave Noonan has made any new GPL
tracks. He's the only one that knows how to.
Here's hoping that will change some day. GPL has the potential to last for
many years as a classic game, but may have trouble doing so if no-one is
able to add to it.
Mike West.
> >The only reason Quake II is still on the
> >shelves is the huge number of mods and add ons available for it. And the
> >only reasons those exist is because the developers opened the game up.
> >this had been done with GPL, I'd bet anything that I'd be able to go
> >home tonight to drive a McLaren M8D in an online CanAm league.
> Quake 2 was a huge success right of the bat. There was a large community
> then made mods for it, keeping it alive.
> We've seen this to a small extent with GPL. We've got the Brands Hatch
> Dubai add-ons and others have made new skins for the cars. But the
> is much smaller so there arent the number of people working on it to give
> mods.
> If GPL had been as big a hit initially as Quake 2 then I think You'd have
> CanAm and Drag racing and probably dirt track mods and lots of other
> There just aren't the same number of people interested in it.
> Doom wasn't very open, but it was popular and it got hacked to death,
giving us
> all kinds of new maps and total conversions like "Aliens". Id software
> to keep that going when they made Quake more open.
> If someone can come up with a brands hatch, then obviously it's possible.
> just not being done, that's all.
> glen
Could you imagine, say, a Monza patch that opens up the high banked
oval..................? oh my that would rock!
Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"
>> Probably becuase GPL was a total Bomb in the Stores so a Add on wouldn't
>> be the greatest of all buisness moves. I think Sierra has a BIG Black
>> mark on anything dealing with gpl.
>> If gpl sold 500,000 copies I'm sure we would have seen a couple addon
>> packs by now.
>You mean it sold badly???
Thanksfully Ratbag brought us the "GPL of dir track racing" with DTR, and
the MGI folks (the people who did Viper Racing) are working on SOMETHING
now, so there is hope.
-- JB
Amen to that!!! I heard somewhere that Dubai was Red Rock flattened
out...if there was a nifty, easy little track editor/convertor, let's just
say trying to get the cars stopped going into turn 2 would be a challenge :P
That, and maybe a track to test the jumping capabilities of cars... :)
Kirk Lane
ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187
"It goes down the same as a thousand before
No one's gettin' smarter, no one's learnin the score
The never ending spree of death and *** and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope"
-'Come Out And Play', The Offspring
>> I was wondering why Papyrus hasn't used the old add on formula ie:
>> Grand National add on for Nascar, Indianapolis Track Pack etc. For
>> Grand Prix Legends. I was thinking that classic Sports Cars like the
>> E-type Jag's and Le Mans Cars of the era would be a fairly simple
>> add-on to the GPL product.
>> Any Thoughts? Papy?