Papy Add On for GPL

Karl Zose

Papy Add On for GPL

by Karl Zose » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I think the BEST games have no need for an add on.
I played Half Life and Unreal to the end , and then what? Do it again? Are
you crazy??
These games are fantastic to play, but when u reach the end, u ALWAYS feel
disappointed because the game is over.
I never buy a sequel because by the time the sequel is out, a better 1st
person adventure has hit the shelves.

GPL will stay exciting for a very very long time, and you don't really NEED
any add ons. You can try to go faster around these tracks all your life :)
Of course add ons are FUN, but I wouldn't spend a dollar on them. I love the
freeware add ons still, when they make the game-playing more realistic.

Don Hancock (

Papy Add On for GPL

by Don Hancock ( » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>I think the BEST games have no need for an add on.
>I played Half Life and Unreal to the end , and then what? Do it again? Are
>you crazy??

    I haven't played either yet (no time), BUT both are continuing to sell
well - and so are their addons.  The addons for BOTH of these games enhance
them enough to basically make them all NEW.
    Unfortunately it's been Sierra's policy to release what COULD be an
addon as a whole new product.  Too bad - while I desperately want trucks for
N3, I'm a little reserved to install BOTH "N3 Trucks" and N3.
    No doubt they'll maintain that stance with GPL.  Heck, they haven't even
done anything with Viper Racing and it's not by Papy!

    I disagree entirely.  Except for a VERY select few (even HERE), without
new cars, tracks, etc. it's going to get too routine.  We all (I would
think) would like more diversity.

    Reasonably priced addons (<US$20) would not only sell well, I STILL
argue that others who have held out will buy GPL!
    BTW, GPL _IS_ still available in Portland area stores - I saw it
everywhere I went looking for Dirt Track Racing.  But it's $39.95.  I have
the same sentiment toward NL, too.  I have N3 (and N1, N2, N99 and Nas50th),
and as much as I want it, it's hard to pay ANOTHER $40 to drive Superbirds
(given my driving "skills").  I'm hoping the trucks will be under $30.


Mark Seer

Papy Add On for GPL

by Mark Seer » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Unfortunately it's the NASCAR syndrome again at Le Mans. With a real
simulation of the Sarthe race, we would be talking in excess of 40 cars on
track again and hence run into the same CPU occupancy trouble.


> Any time this subject comes up, I have to put in my $0.02. A LeMans/GT
> Legends add-on...heck, even a full price game using the GPL engine would
> turn my crankshaft -BIG TIME-! Gimme, gimme, gimme...Chaparall, Ford GT,
> Ferrari, Lola, Lotus...mmmmm....we can dream...

> J. P.

> -------------

> > I was wondering why Papyrus hasn't used the old add on formula ie:
> > Grand National add on for Nascar, Indianapolis Track Pack etc. For
> > Grand Prix Legends. I was thinking that classic Sports Cars like the
> > E-type Jag's and Le Mans Cars of the era would be a fairly simple
> > add-on to the GPL product.

> > Any Thoughts? Papy? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.