Personally I hate the handling, framerate and the fact it uses DirectX that
make me hate Cart Precision Racing. Sierra/Papyrus nows your chance to do a
3dfx port of Indycar 2. Seeing on how your re-releasing the game under a
different name (not sure what it is) and competing directly with CPR why not
include a 3dfx patch version with it or available over the net. Now would be a
good time to do a Glide port for not only 3dfx but also the next
generation Rivas and Rendition 2x00 and show that Direct X and Direct 3D is
crap. If not you really have no market for your re-release of this game and no
plans to do a Indycar 3, at least not before Nascar 3(X-mas 98) and anything
afterwards would probably come a year after that.