First, the Abit makes it equally simple to overclock a P2.
Second, I've found that the new Celerons are not as overclockable as the
original C300A.
Third, the overclockability of any CPU is very dependant on what kind of
memory you're running, and when you bought the CPU.
I'm running four P2 systems (all of which are running Abit BX6/2
motherboards) here.
1) P2/450, PC100 RAM - overclocked to 504
2) P2/333, PC66 RAM - overclocked to 375
(with PC100 RAM - o/c to 415)
3) Cel/333, PC66 RAM - overclocked to 375
4) Cel/333, PC100 RAM - overclocked to 416
Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (370+ cars and counting)
Internet Grand Prix Series Season 2
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