OK, I am sorry. I do hate it when everyone compares stuff that is not even
out ...vodoo5 and so on, so I shouldn't have spoken so soon. Those where
really the first screens I looked at and based my judgement on the biased
GP3 post that dominate this group and my fear of EA being able to put out a
real sim.
After looking closer at the pics and reading some of the write-ups and
interviews I would have to say I would surely give this game a chance...EA
has produced the NFS series which is one of my favorite arcade racers and I
do love SCGT (even if it does seem a bit incomplete).
It appears the physics may be better than I thought after all, as is the AI
perhaps and, as I said before, I do love the color pallet. Much better than
the bright greens and blues of MGP-RS2. I read it doesn't have weather
effects, which is disappointing, but nor does GPL which is top5 (not 7,
If you were a beta tester why don't you let is in on some more....like; how
does the graphic engine handle a full field of cars on an average pc? how is
the damage model? how good is the ai really? what sort of car adjustments
can be made? how cool is the pits/crew implementation?
It does have one big thing going for it -- it will beat GP3 to market by a
few month...which is hopefully not because EA is pushing it out the door
early, which seemed like the case with SCGT.
So, I leave you with this, drop Rouge Spear out of the top 10 and move GPL
up...no way was RS even better than the original R6.
> Why dont you try it before opening your big mouth. It does have realistic
> physics just to let you know.
> Art
> Stealth Racing
> http://www.***sys.com/stealthracing.html
> > Not impressive looking at all. Why are those cars floating? and the
> > views are no good either. This is obviously a game being pushed out the
> door
> > early to capture some cash from dear hunter/nascar revolution fans who
> > their software from the same place they buy their dogfood and deoderant.
> If
> > they would only include some of the more important features like
> > physics (even if it can be turned off) and the real fixings (weather,
> > saftycar...) I might have been able to over look these odd graphics.
> > at least the colors look good.
> > I guess we'll all be waiting for GP3. Im also putting money on RS3 in
> > 2000 as the dark horse to capture the title again. I think the ubisoft
> model
> > is a good one with easy/realistic modes (good for sim$ and arcader$), a
> > career mode, outstanding weather, animated pit crews and easy to edit
> > graphics built right in the game. Now if they just improve on the
> > decent physics and graphics we'll see FS steal GP's title again.
> > Why don't all sims take a leason on that one - I mean, why not build a
> game
> > so the true SimAttics can tweak the hell out of it without first
> > all kinds of code. It would give games a far greater life and a broader
> > audience. And Im not talking about that SHIT hole n3 calls a paint
shop -
> > sure, you can edit cars out of the game but you have to jump through
> > to do it. The only reason I can see a company not wanting fans to edit
> > everything is if they plan on releasing season patches or something, but
> > what company does that?