> Sorry for the newbie question -- but I just started playing GPL and I
> wondered how you can find what framerate you are getting?
Alternatively, RTFM! ;-)
Once you're in your car, press ALT+F.
The maximum frame rate is 36 however.
There isn't even anything useful for setting up your car...BURN Papyrus
Next time it _SHOULD_ be explained in manual what actually happens to your
car when you modify car setups. Now it isn't explained, so we sort of "ask
someone if someone would know" !?!?!?
There is menus and a lot of other "very easy-next to useless" things
explained, but nothing from
doing actual setups to your car, which is _most_ important information in
GPL IMO and I think many of the buyers have cursed
Why did I buy this game, if I didn't get anything _material/informational_
extra for putting my money in it?
I hope this issue is corrected in your next game.
Think about this:
GPL is difficult to drive for a rookie who just bought the game, but how can
he make driving easier for him if he don't know what he should do...and then
he tells his buddies that "this game sucks", because he can't stay in the
At least Papyrus made better default setups to patch. I haven't tried them,
but I assume they are easier to drive.
>> Sorry for the newbie question -- but I just started playing GPL and I
>> wondered how you can find what framerate you are getting?
>Press Alt-F while on the track.
>Alternatively, RTFM! ;-)
You bought the game to have a legal copy of said copy and to make sure that
Papyrus has cash flow to continue developing said high end quality racing
simulations for us to enjoy.
And besides, the manual was pretty darn good for it being a game manual. If
you want bad manuals, look at EA SBK or SCGT or even Viper Racing for bad
and uninformative manuals.
Oh, btw. If you want more info, perhaps you should check out the great
listing of ADDITIONAL READING that was supplied by the author of the GPL
Not to mention, there is tons of helpful information about setting up cars
in GPL (even though they didn't finetune these cars in 67 like we do with
GPL) all over the web in places such as www.simracing.com/alison/gpl (I
believe thats right).
Easier? They only way to make it easier is to practice. Default setups
weren't that bad, the GPL1.1 are even better for just being able to be
driven. You wont be Wolfgang Woeger with them, but not many people will
with any setup.
There is NO magical setup that will allow someone to stay on the track
unless he puts forth effort into learn HOW to keep the car on the track
through steering, throttle and brake action. Also it helps to learn to read
what the car is doing.
Not that much easier. If you are looking for those magical setups, then you
are going to be out of luck and I'd suggest trying Need for Speed.
I suggest you check out Marko's lap times.
Regards Mark
>There isn't even anything useful for setting up your car...BURN Papyrus
>Next time it _SHOULD_ be explained in manual what actually happens to your
>car when you modify car setups. Now it isn't explained, so we sort of "ask
>someone if someone would know" !?!?!?
>There is menus and a lot of other "very easy-next to useless" things
>explained, but nothing from
>doing actual setups to your car, which is _most_ important information in
>GPL IMO and I think many of the buyers have cursed
>Why did I buy this game, if I didn't get anything _material/informational_
>extra for putting my money in it?
>I hope this issue is corrected in your next game.
>Think about this:
>GPL is difficult to drive for a rookie who just bought the game, but how
>he make driving easier for him if he don't know what he should do...and
>he tells his buddies that "this game sucks", because he can't stay in the
>At least Papyrus made better default setups to patch. I haven't tried them,
>but I assume they are easier to drive.
>>> Sorry for the newbie question -- but I just started playing GPL and I
>>> wondered how you can find what framerate you are getting?
>>Press Alt-F while on the track.
>>Alternatively, RTFM! ;-)
and I'm proud of doing it ;)
I buy only great games, others I just take and throw away...-> makes people
to make great games, right?
Do you mean Chapter seven in 4 Wheel Drift: Resources you can't do without?
...Actually my "Four-Wheel Drift" was lost under the books. I thought it
didn't exist! :P
Now that I really found it and read it. I noticed that Chapter 4: Tuning the
was exactly what I meant that manuals should have. So my apologies for Papy.
There was great manual actually, I just had to find it ;)
Yeye. I can do setups that I'm satisfied with, I meant that someone else
could have the problem.
Also I found everything I needed from Four-Wheel Drift :)
True, I'd need a stick to it...and few years(he's....so...old)
Yes there is, you just haven't found it...it's your setup, not the car's.
Absolutely right. It also needs a bit perfectionist to focus ;)
No, I just found those magical setups...they were just here....now where did
I put them...
Maybe I should try Need For Speed instead...