I have a dell P Pro 200 / stealth 3D 2000 4MB.
I was very disappointed with N2 framrates. When I put everything on
"Auto" everything dissapeared! And I'm not just talking about the
texture maps, the entire buildings dissapeared as well! Even with all
the buildings gone and all the remaning things (cars, track, etc . . .)
with no texture maps it still only runs at about 15 FPS. This is
unplayable; I only settle for 30 FPS or better.
Am I doing something wrong? It dosen't make sense that the game would
run this poorly on a P 200.
BTW, in ICR2 I get 30 FPS with only turing off the asphault, grass, and
car textures. I know because I leave everything else on auto and it
dosen't flicker at all.