: And what kind of a computer do you have if you must remove all the
: graphics in SVGA??
: The game does not look bad in vga either, it is much more diffuse but
: you can still play it.
This conversation has really gone on for a Looooooong time. Most of the
time nothing was really be said (just egos shadow boxing -- but that's
my opinion). However, we are now once again talking meat and potatoes.
I have a P5-166 (and I don't think I will have the bread to update any
time soon). In order for me to get a "usuable" frame rate I do need to
turn off most of the graphics. By usuable I mean that if I am in
traffic, I need the CPU occupancy to be at or under 100%. But then we
have a probelm. The last time 10 laps around the track, there wasn't
that much "traffic" so the occupancy is way below 100% and it is being
fairly consistant. Now racing (especially F1) is a rhythm thing. It
also involves precise steering, braking and throttle control. Now I am
in heavy traffic (hopefully passing backmarkers and chasing the
leaders), and the occupancy shoots up way over 100%. Well, you can say
goodbye to rhythm. You can forget the precise steering, braking and
throttle control. Of course rhythm is changed due to traffic, but the
rhythm of where to start your turn and braking, etc. has really been
changed by the elongation of time. This aspect of GP2 is by far my
biggest gripe with it. While it may look real, it doesn't react real.
You also say that one can still "play it" in VGA. Yeh, one can, but one
can't "simulate" on-the-edge racing. The good pilots are not racing the
few yards in front of them. They are driving the exit of the corner
before they ever start their braking for the entrance. I can't do that
in VGA. But, maybe that's my problem and not a problem with coding of
the simulation.
I bought a simulation not a game. I want to simulate racing a F1 car.
: multiplayer does not mean that you MUST be in a Network.
: 2 player is Multiplayer, so it is not false advertising.
And at what frame rate does one play multiplayer? What is the
peformance hit? Everything I mentioned above is only "multiplied" in
multiplayer. Maybe it was a typo on the box and advertising for this
sim. Yeh, that's the ticket, it was supposed to say "multiplier" not
: If Geoff Crammond left Microprose it is a reason why there is no Patch.
: Crammond got all the copy rights to the code, so Microprose can do
: nothing.
Fine, I don't care who is at fault. The program was not complete when it
was released, someone has to take ownership of this fact. It is either
Microprose or Geoff Crammond (it certainly isn't mine).
BTW: I love the realistic ability of the pit crew to totally rebuild my
car in the same amout of time it takes to fuel it and put on fresh
***! For a sim that "pretends" to simulate everything else (down to
minute peformance changes by changing a damper), that's a joke. No
excuse me, that's a bug! Speaking of bugs, the lousy effeciency of the
graphics is a bug also. Just because the code doesn't crash, just
because the code functions as written, does not mean it is not a bug. A
bug is a flaw in the code, and the graphics routine in GP2 is a flaw.
Sorry, this thread is contagious. It must contain some new viral
fungus-virus! ;-) Let's put it in quarantine!
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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