Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?


Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by papa.. » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

And if you insult me one more time I think Im gonna cry and tell....on mean person you. I just know that concentric is gonna just
love me pissing and moaning about mean ole you. Schmuck....hehehe.

There is no shortage of pussies there?

By and by Nos how come I dont see this side of you on the flight sims finding alot of inspiration here....???? Try and not
stir the natives up so much here. There are so few of them would be nice to keep a couple for the conversation.  You
keep picking on them and they might take their marbles and go play
somewhere else.


>That was a joke to Papadoc and I was not being abusive. He understands
>what it's about. BTW, I've reported you to Concentric for sending me


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Pink Flamingo Pilot...

Greg Cisk

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Greg Cisk » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>I don't recall there being anything in the NG charter that compels me to
>ask you for permission to post. There *is* however, something in this

Well of course you don't have to ask my permission. I am curious
why you made this into a public display?

Well being a netcop and stalking someone online like this can be
seen as personal abuse. And that is the problem. Not enough
people minding their own bussiness. Seems like someone always
has to stick their nose into others bussiness.

I guess we will.

Hey not a problem spence.

John Simmo

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by John Simmo » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

"Early" for me is "1st quarter".  Of course - I'm not a moron either...

 John Simmons (Redneck Techno-Biker)

 If you want to send me email, go the URL above and
 click "Send Me Mail" in the Contents frame.

Scott B. Huste

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Scott B. Huste » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

DOH!!  *lol*

I like it John !!! =)

> >Subject says it all. It's February now, which is past
> >"early 98" by any reasonable definition. Where's the
> >promised patch?

> "Early" for me is "1st quarter".  Of course - I'm not a moron either...

> --
> /*===================================================*/
>  John Simmons (Redneck Techno-Biker)

>  If you want to send me email, go the URL above and
>  click "Send Me Mail" in the Contents frame.
> /*===================================================*/

*                                   *
*          Scott B. Husted          *
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*                                   *
*            ICQ# 4395450           *
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Barton Spencer Brow

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Barton Spencer Brow » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

<<Well being a netcop and stalking someone online like this can be
seen as personal abuse. And that is the problem. Not enough
people minding their own bussiness[sic]. Seems like someone always
has to stick their nose into others bussiness[sic].>.

I think if you take the time to investigate the defined prohibitions,
you'll see that "stalking" has a pretty narrow definition when applied
to the web. All I did was tell someone who used language that is a
violation of both his ISP and this NG's charter, as
non-confrontationally as I could, that it was inappropriate and
actionable (in the narrow range of action one can bring on the net), and
that it wouldn't surprise me if someone turned him in to his ISP for
email abuse. I further cautioned him to not flame me, as I would be just
as likely to turn him in to his (and MY) ISP as anyone else -- that's
not a threat, it's a fact. That's called "fair warning". As he then
decided he would show his disdain for both the rules of the ISP to which
he's subscribed *and* for my request to lay off, he sent me a private
email full of a whole-order-of-magnitude-greater load of obscenity and
abuse, and told me he had "turned me in" to our mutual ISP for
"threats". He also said that his right to free speech specifically
included whatever language he wished to use, in open forums or anywhere
else. While it may comfort him to *think* that's true, it simply is not.

First, there is not a single ISP whose Terms Of Service don't
specifically proscribe the use of such language, both in open forum and
in private email. Second, it has been discussed here before that the
nature of the subject of this NG is such that there are a large number
of adolescents (and NOT just in the chronological sense, although THAT's
the point) who frequent the group. There is no place and no reason for
profanity in this or any other newsgroup, simple as that. If you do not
think that's true, you can look up the charter of the newsgroup, and
look at Concentric's Terms Of Service -- the language is very simple and
very clear.

As for "sticking [my] nose into other people's bussiness [sic]", the
newsgroups and private email are everyone's business. You don't own this
Newsgroup, nor do I, nor does anyone else -- but I know I don't have to
accept wading through a cesspool, just because someone thinks it makes
him seem like a big boy to use cesspool language in an open forum. I
don't think I'm exactly alone on this issue.

Maybe if more people took responsibility for their own actions, the
world would be a kinder, gentler place. As long as there are people who
have such fragile self-images that they have to bolster their egos by
being a public nuisance, there will be people like me who will remind
them that it's not right, and they signed an agreement wherein they
AGREED that being a public nuisance is not right, and that they would
not act in such a manner -- specifically in the defined terms of abuse,
spam, foul language, fraud -- as to constitute a public nuisance, on
pain of forfeiture of their ISP accounts.

By the way, except for my single post taking this person to task for his
use of foul and abusive language, I have not communicated with him in
any way, although he has emailed me privately, as noted above, and has
further attempted to bait me on this NG with childish taunts that
reflect more on his maturity than anything else -- as he has publicly
made it clear that he enjoys these barbs and the reaction he gets to
them as some sort of game that satisfies his need to feel important,
there seems no percentage in feeding an already overstuffed ego, does
there?. If you wish to do the same, by all means, rail and rant to your
heart's content -- just don't expect me to play along.

Barton Spencer Brown

BTW, sorry some folks don't like my name -- blame my mother.

Greg Cisk

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Greg Cisk » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

I did read the TOS this morning because of all this, so something
good did come from it :-) Of course you are right and using profane
language and posting meaningless articles will violate the NG charter
and the TOS. Also while CNC does not actively look for violations
they do investigate when complaints are made. They are also not
obligated to remove an account but have the capability at their
discretion. So one person complaining may well have no
consequences. It seems to depend.

Just like TV or radio, you certainly have the option to just bypass the
author or article. You really don't even need a killfile. You aren't
obligated to read that stuff you know. Would you have a problem
with swearing on TV or would you simply change the channel?

Right. I don't think I am alone either.

I agree. And I do think NOS is out of line. However I always have
problems with people "telling" on someone just for bad language.
Had you showed restraint and just bypassed his posts this would
have been avoided. But getting on the soapbox of the m***right
is something I always have a problem with. As an aside, I
was surprised when F1RS was released and some of my fellow  
flightsimers came to RAS. The people in RAS really are quite
snobbish about some things. I have been in RAS since it became
a NG and I never noticed that before. Quite embarrassing.

I guess I still wonder why you cannot bypass those guys. Why
must you take on the shield of righteousness? I always thought
the internet meant freedom of speech. I understand that ISP's
have to have the TOS for legal reasons. BTW, unsolicited
email like the one I am replying to, can be considered a violation
I believe. Also just because you display your email account
in a public NG does not give someone the right to email
you, according to the TOS.

Why would you want me to do the same, or even mention this?

Sure whatever you say. I really hate it when someone replies to
a NG post and copies the individual. I was quite surprised
(well maybe not) to find that Mr. Brown did not email me
but cc'd me his reply to my NG post. Like this is all that
important to me and I MUST READ IT RIGHT AWAY.


Header intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.


Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

On Thu, 05 Feb 1998 11:38:47 +0000, Barton Spencer Brown

>By the way, except for my single post taking this person to task for his
>use of foul and abusive language, I have not communicated with him in
>any way, although he has emailed me privately, as noted above, and has
>further attempted to bait me on this NG with childish taunts that
>reflect more on his maturity than anything else -- as he has publicly
>made it clear that he enjoys these barbs and the reaction he gets to
>them as some sort of game that satisfies his need to feel important,
>there seems no percentage in feeding an already overstuffed ego, does
>there?. If you wish to do the same, by all means, rail and rant to your
>heart's content -- just don't expect me to play along.

>Barton Spencer Brown

>BTW, sorry some folks don't like my name -- blame my mother.

Did you not read my announcement. I said I would not post anything on
this group anymore, unless I'm provoked. You just provoked me. The
above about you not sending me email is a lie. That post you made went
to my email box as well. If you were not aware of that then I suggest
you learn to use your software properly. And all the other ***you
wrote is nothing more than a windbag letting off air. I won't even
bother to respond to it because I only respond to that which I feel is
worthy of a response.
William Dahm

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by William Dahm » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> believe me. This group will just say ***like the above and leave it
> at that. Bunch of pussies, if there ever was.
> --
> Nos

I wonder if this guy being a jackass is hereditary or if it was caused
environmentally?  I'm sure it would be an interesting project for a
psychology major to look into . . .
Greg Cisk

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Greg Cisk » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>Did you not read my announcement. I said I would not post anything on
>this group anymore, unless I'm provoked. You just provoked me. The
>above about you not sending me email is a lie. That post you made went
>to my email box as well. If you were not aware of that then I suggest
>you learn to use your software properly. And all the other ***you
>wrote is nothing more than a windbag letting off air. I won't even
>bother to respond to it because I only respond to that which I feel is
>worthy of a response.

The best part is point 10 of the CNC TOS:

"10. YOU UNDERSTAND that information available to you
through the CNC Service may include MATERIALS THAT

Mr. Brown apparently doesn't understand this, and may have
violated point 10 of the TOS himself. Apparently by participating
in an off topic post in a NG is a violation of point 13, another
error. I think by sending unwanted email to authors of NG posts
my be a violation of point 14.

Actually I think that I'm done beating this dead horse, as I think
I made my point :-)

If anyone is interested in the entire TOS it can be found at

Quite interesting actually as it seems to give lattitude to CNC
to do whatever they wish. It is not cut & dried.

Header intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.



Steven Trave

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Steven Trave » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

On Wed, 4 Feb 1998 20:33:36 -0600, "Greg Cisko"

>>Steve reacted, so I would guess the round went to NOS.

>OK you have a point there. Steve cracked :-) But I guess I liked the
>"I'll show him! clakety-clak-clak, type type type. " I nearly shot orange
>juice through my nose laughing on that one.

Oh, I didn't exactly "crack", I was just having fun with the guy. I
need to have one little outburst every six months or so.

Take care all--I gotta go water my bonsai tree.

Steven Travers

William Richards

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by William Richards » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> I won't even
>bother to respond to it because I only respond to that which I feel is
>worthy of a response.

But, you just did respond!



"NASCAR is the Professional Wrestling of Motorsport."

Joel Willste

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Joel Willste » Fri, 06 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>Why, may I rhetorically ask, do companies use the expression "first
>quarter"? Talking about a "quarter" rather than a month or a date is
>vague, and deliberately so. You can argue the semantics of "first
>quarter" or "early '98" until the cows come home, but they both mean
>the same - an indeterminate date sometime between January 1st and June


     I have been in business for many years,and I can tell you that
it's a common practice to talk about quarters as a time period,rather
than months or days.  We set our goals and projections based on
LY(last year) quarters.

     The 1st quarter only refers to Jan 1- March 30,not till the end
of June,which is the end of the 2nd quarter.


Joel Willstein


Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Sat, 07 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Did you read my announcement or not? If you're going to make
derogatory comments I will keep posting. If you're nice then I won't
post. Have it your own way then. You stupid mother ***er.


Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Sat, 07 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>> I won't even
>>bother to respond to it because I only respond to that which I feel is
>>worthy of a response.

>But, you just did respond!


No, I only responded to the part about him saying I sent him email
when he never sent me email. Mr. Brown is either a liar or he is
stupid, maybe both. His original post did indeed go to my mailbox and
I really hate it when people post and send you  email with the same
message. That's what I responded to - not the rest of his gibberish.
Understand now?



Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Sat, 07 Feb 1998 04:00:00

On Thu, 5 Feb 1998 14:02:12 -0600, "Greg Cisko"

>If anyone is interested in the entire TOS it can be found at

>Quite interesting actually as it seems to give lattitude to CNC
>to do whatever they wish. It is not cut & dried.

I've already read it a ling time ago Greg. I think it's purely there
to protect themselves as a company and not to censor public postings
in news groups, as Mr. Brown seems to think. Anyway, I'm a Canadian
and the Canadian Charter of Rights is above any legal mumbo jumbo from
Concentric. Therefore, I'm guaranteed freedom of speech in a public
place. The Internet is a public place, IMO. Mr. Brown seems to think
we are on America Online. I think he should leave the net and go join
AOL and leave the internet to those of us with more liberal views. He
can whine to CNC all he wants, I doubt very much they will try and put
a muzzle on me. If they did then they will lose my business and I
would be back here in a flash doubly annoying on another Inet service.
Mr. Brown would truly regret having that happen so I advise him to
shut up and desist from entertaining ideas of putting a***order on
my freedom of speech.
Nos         is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.