Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

Scott B. Huste

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Scott B. Huste » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Reasonable definition of early 98 is Before April 1st in most business
applications.  First Quarter 98 is early.  It does not end until March


> Subject says it all. It's February now, which is past "early 98" by
> any reasonable definition. Where's the promised patch?

> Joe

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Scott B. Huste

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Scott B. Huste » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

The 3dfx patch is not gonna bring some Nirvana of N2 sales.  There will
be some.. but not HUGE.  N3 is due (notice the word due!) within 10
months anyway.  IT will support 3dfx and Rendition.  


> >   Now Nos yer gonna get ras upset with you too..:)
> >     Hey money could really enter into this.  I mean you have a group of
> > users who A) No nothing about N2 but get it because the 3dfx patch is out.
> > They will flood the support lines with all sorts of questions and "cost"
> > either Sierra or Papy money in suport salaries etc.  the other user is a B)

> I see: they increase sales of N2 but would loose money because they have
> to
> hire dozens of support people??? Yeah, right!

> l8er
> ronny

> --
>           |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
>    ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
>         |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
>        '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

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Michael E. Carve

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Michael E. Carve » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

% Okay all, I am sorry about the lack of information from Papyrus in
% this newsgroup as of late.  What I have found in the past is that it
% becomes a no win situation.  If we say it's going to be done by x date
% and then it misses that date, we are screamed at for missing the date.
% If we don't say anything thing, we are screamed at for not saying
% anything.  That's the reason we have been reluctant to say anything
% about the N2 3DFX patch on this group.

Adam, thanks for taking the risk and keeping us informed.  You are right
that more than likely people will still scream ***y ***, no what
information you post.  However, the majority truly appreciate the
"contact".  I am sure most of the regular followers of r.a.s. know
exactly who will be posting the inflamatory posts (except those with a
well loaded killfile). ;-)

In the long run, I think keeping us informed is the better alternative
to leaving the information well dry and allowing the "pissers" to fill

% Having said that, here is the scoop.  We are still working on the
% patch.  There is no *** with Rendition to not complete this
% patch.  And, there is not effort on Papyrus' part to take all the
% credit for the patch.  Andy at 3DFX has done a tremendous job.
% Without his effort, this patch would not even be on the table.  

% We are in the last stages of getting this patch done.  Andy is still
% working on some issues which we hope to have complete soon.  No, I
% won't give you a date because I don't have one.  When we have done all
% we can with the patch, we will release it.  Sorry for the silence and
% the delay but trust me when I say it is coming.  Thanks.

% Adam Levesque
% General Manager
% Papyrus

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

John Walla

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by John Walla » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>>In any company I have ever worked "early 98" is taken to mean first
>>quarter, that is Jan to March.

>In any company where I have ever worked, "1st quarter" is taken to
>mean "1st quarter". In other words, it is a very common business
>expression. If Papyrus meant 1st quarter why not just say so?

Why, may I rhetorically ask, do companies use the expression "first
quarter"? Talking about a "quarter" rather than a month or a date is
vague, and deliberately so. You can argue the semantics of "first
quarter" or "early '98" until the cows come home, but they both mean
the same - an indeterminate date sometime between January 1st and June

Why were the Papyrus guys not specific? A quick look at this thread,
all the previous threads on N2, SODA 3dFX, ICR2 patch, N2 patch or any
other thread where anyone gave a date will suffice to explain it. If I
were a producer and even 100% confident in meeting my schedule I
_still_ wouldn't mention it on this group. Why risk the grief when you
have nothing to gain by it (or perhaps more to lose than to gain would
be a better expression).


John Walla

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by John Walla » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>Updating customers on the status of missed [or vague] ship dates is
>only good busniess sense.

It is if you have given a delivery commitment, but until today Papyrus
have not missed any committed schedule for an N2 3dFX update. Anyone
who says they have is reading too much into what has been said.

They would lose a certain portion of the subset of their customer base
who frequent the online forums, and who know that such a thing even
exists. Sounds somewhat acceptable. Anyway, where did the notion come
from that it may be cancelled? A dangerous rumour to get started,
especially as it didn't come from Papyrus.


Greg Cisk

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Greg Cisk » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>We are in the last stages of getting this patch done.  Andy is still
>working on some issues which we hope to have complete soon.  No, I
>won't give you a date because I don't have one.  When we have done all
>we can with the patch, we will release it.  Sorry for the silence and
>the delay but trust me when I say it is coming.  Thanks.

Thanks for explaining that. As far as I know this is the first official
word I've seen from Papy that there even is a 3dfx patch :-) Keep
up the good work!

Header intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

Scott B. Huste

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Scott B. Huste » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

I think something to remember also is this newsgroup is just a small
sample of a much larger population.  MANY n2 customers are not on RAS
and may not even know there is a 3dfx patch in the works.  I know this
because Im on a list with people just recently saying they heard Papy is
working on a 3dfx patch.  A majority of Papys customers are NOT sitting
in RAS waiting every second for the release date of the patch.  Yes..
some are, but it is not the majority and may not even be a significant


> >Updating customers on the status of missed [or vague] ship dates is
> >only good busniess sense.

> It is if you have given a delivery commitment, but until today Papyrus
> have not missed any committed schedule for an N2 3dFX update. Anyone
> who says they have is reading too much into what has been said.

> >If they break this promise, they will lose a LOT of loyalty in their
> >customer base.

> They would lose a certain portion of the subset of their customer base
> who frequent the online forums, and who know that such a thing even
> exists. Sounds somewhat acceptable. Anyway, where did the notion come
> from that it may be cancelled? A dangerous rumour to get started,
> especially as it didn't come from Papyrus.

> Cheers!
> John

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Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

That's true. But, there are a lot of people on the 3DFX news server
waiting for this patch. Lot's of people.


Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>We are in the last stages of getting this patch done.  Andy is still
>working on some issues which we hope to have complete soon.  No, I
>won't give you a date because I don't have one.  When we have done all
>we can with the patch, we will release it.  Sorry for the silence and
>the delay but trust me when I say it is coming.  Thanks.

>Adam Levesque
>General Manager

Good man, Adam. This is all I wanted to see. Thank you.

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Nosfera » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

No one ever said first quarter. Papy made an announcement of early
'98. Which in theory would be January - February. They have finally
given some info so there is no need to dsicuss this issue any

Scott B. Huste

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Scott B. Huste » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Im sure therd are!!  but in proportion to the number of total copies
sold... and how many will be sold after 3dfx...  is that a significant
proportion or not ???  Unfortunately we cant know without seeing Papys
books and numbers =)


> >I think something to remember also is this newsgroup is just a small
> >sample of a much larger population.  MANY n2 customers are not on RAS
> >and may not even know there is a 3dfx patch in the works.  I know this
> >because Im on a list with people just recently saying they heard Papy is
> >working on a 3dfx patch.  A majority of Papys customers are NOT sitting
> >in RAS waiting every second for the release date of the patch.  Yes..
> >some are, but it is not the majority and may not even be a significant
> >portion.

> >Scott

> That's true. But, there are a lot of people on the 3DFX news server
> waiting for this patch. Lot's of people.
> --
> Nos


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*          Scott B. Husted          *
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Richard Walk

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Richard Walk » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>>no 1) Many people would consider "early" anytime 1st Quarter or even
>>first 1/3

>How do you figure? Business people already have a word for 1st
>quarter: "1st quarter". If that's what they meant, they should have
>said so.

Correct. In most press releases, 'early' means anytime before July but
think yourself lucky if it gets out for Xmas ;-)


Jim Sokolof

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Jim Sokolof » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> No one ever said first quarter. Papy made an announcement of early
> '98. Which in theory would be January - February. They have finally
> given some info so there is no need to dsicuss this issue any
> futrther.

Or, you could define "early" to mean before*** Clark has left Times
Square. :-)

That's the great thing about announcements that indicate a range of
possible dates, rather than date YYYY-MM-DD at time HH:MM:SS. They
don't tie the hands of a game manufacturer to shovel any old thing out
the door to meet the date that PR announced. You'll still be angry
with Papyrus of course, but I think that may have been a foregone


Jim Sokolof

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Jim Sokolof » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> % no 3) It is possible that it was canceled.  Don't be so idealistic.  If
> % papy decides at any point that a N2 3DFX patch is just no in the budget
> % then they will cancel it.  Papy is a business, not a charity.

> Well, if rumors are anywhere to being half true, the patch is done (not
> by Papyrus).  So where is the financial gain in not releasing it?

The potential "gain" is the avoidance of loss on tech support calls if
the patch has stability problems, or needs integration with NROS, or
doesn't work right on sub-standard CPUs, or whatever...

Remember, money doesn't just flow in one direction when patches are


Barton Spencer Brow

Papyrus: it's no longer "early 98". Where's the Nascar2 3dfx patch?

by Barton Spencer Brow » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Thanks, Adam -- it's nice to see a company respond, even -- maybe
especially -- when they don't have the news the fans want to hear. It
shows you keep your commitments, and you're more interested in making it
right than hustling it out the door.

Thanks again

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