I can't detect bs any better than the next guy...what I do know is....Soda
was released with a 3dfx patch already in the works and due anyday....Red
Baron 2 had 3d, then it didn't, then it did, then it got cancelled, then it
got restarted and 3d added. Then they patched the whole schmozle and
renamed it slightly. I could go on, but the point is...never buy something
based on the premise that it will be added later. The last title I can
remember that actually added something was ICR1 getting the modem to modem
multiplayer working(even tho the sticker on the box said it worked right out
of the box)..about 5 or 6 months after it was released. Other
companies...like the Age of Empire series...have promised free
patches...then instead....released an addon disk.. When GP3 came out, it
seemed unfinised, I advised folks to wait for the updates. When F12k came
out...serious issues...I advised folks to wait again...now F1RC is in a
holding pattern. Who knows when the issues will get resolved.
But I would NEVER buy something based on the PROMISE that they will fix
it. If there are issues that prevent you from enjoying the title either
wait for the patch or learn to live with the problems.
I bought N4 early, hoping to get a headstart on other users...but the
initial AI problems AND my fast cpu motherboard crashing...have kept me from
playing N4. I should have taken my own advice :) It's not easy waiting
when everyone is raving about this cool feature or that jazzy item.
As time goes by, the chance of a patch being released becomes less and
less and the reality will be, if you want the fixes, you'll have to buy the
update disk...(F1RCcs2001 anyone?)
dave henrie
> Unfortunately for me, I am not as good at detecting bullshit as you. I
> bought it based on the promise of the patch...kept waiting...and of course
> now it is too late to return it.
> Marc.
> > >> Nascar Heat had AI problems...it took them almost 6 months to get
> > >> first beta out the door and they still are working on it. Remember,
> > >nobody
> > >> twisted your arm to buy a half finished product in the first place.
> > >> dave henrie
> > No, but Ubisoft did lie to us and say there would be a patch released
> > in April. I'm sure many people bought the sim based on that promise. I
> > didn't because I figured they were bullshitting right from the start.
> > Damn frenchies.