I've mentioned at least one of these already, but I thought I'd tie it all
together while I'm thinking about it.
1) Option of an onscreen speed/gear display like N2
2) Option for onscreen controller deflection display. Su27 (possibly the
closest flight sim equivalent to GPL) has this and shows you exactly how
far your rudders etc are deflected compared to max possible deflection.
This is *superb* for alerting you to any controller problems (spiking, bad
calibration etc), and for positive feedback on exactly how far -- in GPL's
case -- you've really got your foot down/wheel turned. Many people
probably wouldn't use it, but I think it's another way of increasing the
feedback to the driver.
3) Configurable glance left/right angles and speed. At the moment I feel
I'd like it a little slower, looking at slightly less of an angle.
4) Configurable viewpoint (height above***pit and angle). The roll bar
view might be nice to drive from (as others have noted). But what I think
I'd like to be able to do is shift the default driving position up a bit
and angle it down, sort of in between the roll bar and default positions.
This is probably asking too much, and I'm sure it'd create all sorts of
perspective problems with the arms/cockpit etc. But it ought to enable
everyone to find their own compromise between...
(i) sense of speed (which IMO is significantly greater using the external
F10 view)
(ii) the sense of realism you get from the default***pit position
(iii) ability to see ahead.
Andrew... looking to tweak an already incredible experience