help me out with.
First a little background. I was primarily using Papyrus Nascar Racing 3,
with a Voodoo3 3000 AGP video card and a SoundBlaster Live Value.
Everything was fine. Then I got Nascar Racing 4, and the video card just
wasn't meaty enough for N4. So I purchased an Asus V7700 (GeForce2 GTS, 32
MB RAM). I plugged in the card, and installed the default Asus drivers,
fired up N4 and the TSW was going nuts. The steering was jerking severely
to the right, and the throttle was jumping back and forth. I didn't suspect
that it was the POTS because the wheel was perfect just less than an hour
earlier. I did various things to try to correct it, like installing latest
Creative drivers, Latest Detonator drivers for the video card, and tried to
find if there were any IRQ conflicts. Some how, through changing things,
the wheel was fine again. But I wasn't able to pinpoint what fixed the
problem. So I was back racing. Since then, I've reinstalled Windows 98 SE
again, and had the same problem with the TSW again. And again, I farted
around and was able to get it working, but again, I was unable to pinpoint
what the solution to the problem was. Well.... I just went through the
process of re-installing Windows 98 SE, yet again, to try to fix a problem
with the card reader for my digital camera. And low and behold, when I went
into N4 for a league race, the TSW was going crazy again. Only this time, I
can't get the the wheel working.
Does anyone have any experience with this type of problem. It's very
frustrating that I can't figure out what's causing the problem.
Thanks in advance,