Well, I don't have a steering wheel, but I have the same problem using a
Logitech Wingman Extreme joystick. The only way to calibrate it is by
manually tuning the dials on the joystick itself- Win95 joystick calibration
is useless. If I calibrate it in win95 and center the dials on the joystick,
the car pulls heavily to the left also.
So if your thrustmaster happens to have a similar dial, you could
probably fix the problem (steering sensitivity left and right doesn't seem
to be affected by what I did).
I'm not sure what version of TOCA I have, but I did run some patch
called patchefg.exe.
>Finally found TOCA in a store that imports games, but I'm having a
>serious problem with the game.
>TOCA won't work with my Thrustmaster T2 steering wheel. The wheel is
>calibrated fine under Win95 (with the tiniest bit of stutter) and
>works perfectly in other Win95 driving games (such as I76). But in
>TOCA it's constantly steering fairly hard to the left. Using the view
>hat shows the steering wheel inside the car, it appears to be leaning
>about 25% of it's radius to the left. I can barely turn right at all,
>and the car is basically uncontrollable. (I selected an analogue
>controller in TOCA of course.)
>The wierd thing is the TOCA demo worked fine on this system with the
>same wheel. And all other games work fine. So there seems to be a
>serious controler bug in the TOCA game, which unfortunately renders it
>completely unplayable. Any ideas?
>Note: I have downloaded and applied the v1.1 TOCA patch witch claims
>to fix this problem, but it does not.