I have two T2s. First one basicaly self distructed, pedal springs,
bungee cord, ruber dumbells holding bungee cord, etc. Its now the parts
wheel. I will soon have a clutch pedal and hopefully something along the
lines of paddels.
> Here's my delimma. I have installed N3 on my new system. My T2 has been
> calibrated both in windows 98 and in N3. All of the functions of the the
> wheel are working except for one thing. The steering is exactly opposite of
> where it should be. ie. turn left and the car goes right and vice versa.
> I have recalibrated several times in both win98 and N3 to no avail. Have
> deleted the t2 under game controllers and added it again. Still the same
> problem. Any suggestions to get this thing going?
I had the same problem when playing non-DOS games under Win95. I went to
the-then Thrustmaster site, and looked up tech support.
If you bought your steering wheel before a certain date, if i remember
correctly the date is before December 1996, then TM included an adaptor that
switched the wires for you. Steering wheels after this date had the wires
crossed at the factory. Manufacturing date should be stuck on the bottom of
the steering column.
I never had to use it before TOCA2 because GP2 was a DOS game and never
accessed Win Joystick controller files.
After digging through boxes and cupboards i finally located the adaptor,
stuck it on and, lo-and-behold, perfect calibration, just remember to take
it off when playing your DOS games.
For more information goto www.thrustmaster.com
Hope this helps.