Papyrus at Daytona

Scott Stutsma

Papyrus at Daytona

by Scott Stutsma » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

With the racing season upon us, Papyrus will be in Daytona to feature
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and to show a preview of our upcoming title
NASCAR Racing 3.

If you cannot stop by and visit us personally in Daytona, be sure during

the next week to visit our web site at:

We have our schedule of events posted here and will also update the site

daily with pictures of the events that we are participating in.

Scott Stutsman
Papyrus Design GroupWith the racing season upon us, Papyrus will be in
Daytona to feature
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and to show a preview of our upcoming title
NASCAR Racing 3.

If you cannot stop by and visit us personally in Daytona, be sure during

the next week to visit our web site at:

We have our schedule of events posted here and will also update the site

daily with pictures of the events that we are participating in.

Scott Stutsman
Papyrus Design Group


Papyrus at Daytona

by PhilippeSerge.. » Mon, 08 Feb 1999 04:00:00

> With the racing season upon us, Papyrus will be in Daytona to feature
> NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and to show a preview of our upcoming title
> NASCAR Racing 3.

> If you cannot stop by and visit us personally in Daytona, be sure during

> the next week to visit our web site at:


Sounds exciting! What's more interesting than NROS finals is probably
the fact that NASCAR 3 will be previewed. Any chance we might get a demo
even though the game is only supposed to be ready for october?


Andy Bac

Papyrus at Daytona

by Andy Bac » Mon, 08 Feb 1999 04:00:00

>> With the racing season upon us, Papyrus will be in Daytona to feature
>> NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and to show a preview of our upcoming title
>> NASCAR Racing 3.

>> If you cannot stop by and visit us personally in Daytona, be sure during
>> the next week to visit our web site at:

> Sounds exciting! What's more interesting than NROS finals is probably
> the fact that NASCAR 3 will be previewed. Any chance we might get a demo
> even though the game is only supposed to be ready for october?

Even better - can you tell us if CART3 is being worked on (either "Yes it is"
or "No it isn't")?  Damnit, CART deserves better than CART2 or CPR!

Sorry - had to say it.

  Andy Backa        The only skills I have the patience to learn are

                    - Calvin and Hobbes

  Chewey Pages:

Gary Silverma

Papyrus at Daytona

by Gary Silverma » Mon, 08 Feb 1999 04:00:00

I don't think that ICR3 is being developed at this time. Right now 100% of
their time is going towards N3/2000.



Papyrus at Daytona

by ric » Mon, 08 Feb 1999 04:00:00

> I don't think that ICR3 is being developed at this time. Right now 100% of
> their time is going towards N3/2000.

They better hurry up before the tiny window of opportunity closes.


Don Hancoc

Papyrus at Daytona

by Don Hancoc » Tue, 09 Feb 1999 04:00:00

>> I don't think that ICR3 is being developed at this time. Right now 100%
>> their time is going towards N3/2000.

>They better hurry up before the tiny window of opportunity closes.


    man....  what self control you manage to assert....

ORSA Bronze #78 Navy Dodge

Rich Koehle

Papyrus at Daytona

by Rich Koehle » Tue, 09 Feb 1999 04:00:00

> With the racing season upon us, Papyrus will be in Daytona to feature
> NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and to show a preview of our upcoming title
> NASCAR Racing 3.

> Scott Stutsman
> Producer
> Papyrus Design Group

Makes sense. Go to a track you aren't allowed to use in the N3 package,
to promote the package. Am I picky or does this seem silly?

Rich Koehler


Papyrus at Daytona

by tmf2 » Tue, 09 Feb 1999 04:00:00

I agree !        Ya, please bring on Cart3  its time for us ICR2 people
to have a new version.
As a matter of fact, it may be viewed as slightly overdue. :-)


Phillip Malphrus, Jr

Papyrus at Daytona

by Phillip Malphrus, Jr » Tue, 09 Feb 1999 04:00:00

You are being picky. By showing how realistic they make the other tracks and
the following they have, maybe that is an opportunity to show the folks at
Daytona how bad they are messing up by not allowing Papy to make a likeness
of their track.

>> With the racing season upon us, Papyrus will be in Daytona to feature
>> NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and to show a preview of our upcoming title
>> NASCAR Racing 3.

>> Scott Stutsman
>> Producer
>> Papyrus Design Group

>Makes sense. Go to a track you aren't allowed to use in the N3 package,
>to promote the package. Am I picky or does this seem silly?

>Rich Koehler


Papyrus at Daytona

by Metro6 » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Or...will they unveil a N3 Daytona track for their simulators down there and
not release it like they did for N2?

Just a thought.

Lindsay Adam

Papyrus at Daytona

by Lindsay Adam » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

it just so happens that I will be in florida for a 2 week holiday (purely
for disney for the kids you understand.... oh  look it just happens to be
speedweek - well as we a re here it would be rude not to!!!)


see you there


(from the UK)


Papyrus at Daytona

by Gearhead » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

This is what I dont understand, at Daytona USA their showcase, they havea group
of computer screens with Papyrus programs with the Daytona track for fans to
run qualifing laps.


Papyrus at Daytona

by ymenar » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Gearhead21 wrote

If I remember correctly it was a contract, so it's the opposite as a license
it seems. Instead of Papyrus who wants to make a Daytona for their product,
it's Daytona who asked Papyrus to create a track for the Daytona USA
Experience ;)    At that time Papyrus was still an independent company I

-= <cough> It's not available on the Internet <cough>

-= Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard/Nas-Frank>
-= NROS Nascar sanctioned Guide
-= SimRacing Online
-= Official mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
-= May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Brit and Lis

Papyrus at Daytona

by Brit and Lis » Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Which still brings me to a point I made months ago. WE have to sneak someone
in and STEAL... ummm borrow...the Track files from the Daytona USA machines.
Then REAL Daytona for everyone.
John DiFoo

Papyrus at Daytona

by John DiFoo » Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:00:00

> > that is an opportunity to show the folks at
> >Daytona how bad they are messing up by not allowing Papy to make a likeness
> >of their track.

> Or...will they unveil a N3 Daytona track for their simulators down there and
> not release it like they did for N2?

> Just a thought.

    The weird thing is that Daytona USA has a bank of 6 computers-all running
N1 with a Daytona track!  (unfortunately you can only qualify and not race
against the other people)

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