Papyrus at Daytona

Rich Koehle

Papyrus at Daytona

by Rich Koehle » Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:00:00

> You are being picky. By showing how realistic they make the other tracks and
> the following they have, maybe that is an opportunity to show the folks at
> Daytona how bad they are messing up by not allowing Papy to make a likeness
> of their track.
> Regards,
> Phillip

Let's hope it works. Anyone know when the Sega license runs out? Must
be close now. I wonder if they would delay N3 to allow time for the
Sega license to expire and open up a Papyrus one. Nah, Daytona would
be a great expansion pack!

Rich Koehler


Papyrus at Daytona

by Golgo- » Fri, 12 Feb 1999 04:00:00

There was a long thread about that idea a year or so ago when it first
debuted...pretty much, it was either Papy or one of the RAS guru's that said
the track is totally incompatible with N1 even if we did manage to get a
copy..sad ain't it?


5th Docto

Papyrus at Daytona

by 5th Docto » Fri, 12 Feb 1999 04:00:00

I seem to remember that Papy didn't include Daytona because Sega had
exclusive rights to use Daytona for their arcade game.  Isn't that liscense
expired by now?
Isn't it remotely possible that Papy could include Daytona in N2k?  I  have
seen a version of Daytona for N2, but it was realy Talladega with new
graphics on the walls.
still had that wierd s/f line, and the banking was Tally.  silly.

>Which still brings me to a point I made months ago. WE have to sneak
>in and STEAL... ummm borrow...the Track files from the Daytona USA
>Then REAL Daytona for everyone.

Joel Willstei

Papyrus at Daytona

by Joel Willstei » Fri, 12 Feb 1999 04:00:00

> I don't think that ICR3 is being developed at this time. Right now 100% of
> their time is going towards N3/2000.

> gary243

   Cart2 or ICR3,which ever way you want to refer to it,has been shelved
for an indefinite period of time. Don't look for any progress on it
until N3/2000 is out and no patches are required. If I were a betting
man,I would put my money on gpl2 before Cart2

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