all you more experienced racers out there can
help me with.
1. Tire wear. I read in Pappy pre release publicity
that the tires were so hard that they only needed to
be changed once every three meets. I don't know
if that is true, but how much tire wear can we expect
during a race? Is it worthwhile setting up the car
for tyre conservation?
2. Flatspotting. Is it modeled? (should it be?)
3. I am spending most of my time practicing and
on short races. Does the speed of the AI drivers
increase as the 'difficulty' is increased ? (ie, as
the race length and damage model is increased).
4. AI car setups. Does the AI use only the default car
setup? Or does their setup change during practice?
I hope the group can answer some of these questions
for me. I think that the answers are as follows, but don't
know for sure.
1. Tyre wear was important and is modeled.
2. No modeled.
3. AI speed increases.
4. Only default setups used by the AI.