> Subject: IndyCar 2.0 Magazine Ad
> This is really a question for Rick Genter:
> I just saw the new IndyCar 2.0 adverti***t in the latest PC Gamer
> magazine and although I'm e***d about it, I'm also a little worried.
> The screenshot in the lower right corner of the ad shows what looks to be
> the starting grid at PIR. The problem is that the cars look like they
> have speedway wings on the rear! (Should be road course wings for the 1
> milers). Although the picture is a little too small to tell 100%, its
> me a little worried.
> Anybody else notice this?
> Marty Fay
While not having seen the final product, I will remind you that
Indycar 1.0 used roadcourse wings for all tracks. That is only for the
graphics though, your setup determines how much downforce will be exerted
by the wings. Thus if you choose a low downforce setup, your, in effect,
choosing speedway wings. But the replay graphics still show your car as
having roadcoarse monster wings....I'll take a look at the add and see
what gives....see ya!
Dave Henrie
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