> I really enjoy playing GPL and finally am able to drive constantly with
> joystick (Gravis Analog Pro). But I wonder how fast am I with my joystick. I
> can't compete with the guys with steering wheels...
I play with a joystick as well and think it's quite good device to
drive, although a steering wheel and pedals would be better and more
realistic, of course. I have played sims with a joystick for many years
so I didn't consider it a bad device for GPL once I got used to the
handling. First it felt quite horrible as the car was all over to place
:) My joystick is a QuickShot Warrior 5. It's quite old and a cheap one,
but I like it very much and think it's good for racing sims.
I have done a 1:29.79 at Monza and 1:26.85 at Zandvoort. Few days ago I
managed to do a 1:05.93 at Watkins Glen. I drive with Lotus. I haven't
done much setup work at all. Just decreased the amount of fuel and
adjusted the brakes a little... I can still improve my times when I
drive more. And with more setup work I could have maybe a big
Those times are not the fastest, of course, and I don't know if I'm
never going to match the fastest hotlaps. But I think they indicate that
with a joystick you can drive fast as well as with a steering wheel.
Your times are good with a joystick. Just keep driving and you should
improve all the time. My friend has the same joystick as you do and he
has driven a 1:27.xx at Zandvoort with Ferrari.
- Grand Prix 2 : http://www.clinet.fi/~vmt/gp2/ -
- Racing Images: http://members.xoom.com/racingimages/ -