> I don't have a wheel, don't want one. I like flight sims and other
> stuff too so for me the good digital joystick was a better all around
> controller.
> Anyway, I'm wondering of those here that use the joystick for GPL,
> what do you use for shifting? And Brake/throttle? I can't get used
> to manual shifting with the joystick. Do you have pedals for
> brake/throttle or everything on the stick?
> Right now, I have throttle forward and brake back on the stick. It
> makes it awkward to shift and steer at the same time. So I'm stuck on
> shifting help which is holding me back.
> Thoughts?
> And no, I don't want a wheel, or pedals. Is it possible with *just* a
> stick? I hear that some of the fastest hot lappers use the stick, but
> do they use pedals too?
> glen
of course button 1 (the one under you finger) to gear up and the button on the
top of the joystick to gear down. While this works ok in more arcadish games
GPL may give you some troubles. The problem is when braking and downshifting,
the joystick might shake a bit when pressing the downshiftbutton and before
you know it you find youself heading for the beautiful countryside of Belgium,
or the local inn :).
In ICR2 i used the keyboard for shifting: "S" to shift up and "X" to shift
down. Worked very well. I haven't tried it in GPL though because I went through
the phase of denial and got myself a MS FF wheel :)
But AFIK some of the hottest hotlappers (wow) on the net use a joystick.
Olav K. Malmin
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