>I'm running an old CH Flightstick on a 133. I've tried many different
>calibrations to no avail. About 40 laps practice, impossible to keep
>control if the stick is disturbed, like for mild braking. I have raced
>cars and motorcycles, and no way is there a real car that is that
>twitchy. Am I calibrating correctly? Do you think my joystick is at
>fault? I could sure use some advice!
I also use a CH Flightstick (Pro), but only for steering and gear
changing. Using a standard joystick Y-cable, I have an old CH Mach 1
stick connected and use it for throttle and braking with my other
hand. After getting used to the separate throttle, it works pretty
good. I also set the steering linearity to maximum 'non-linear',
though I haven't played with that setting too much.
The extra joystick is also useful for throttle/rudder control in
flightsims as well.