my PC has never locked up with XP...maybe its just YOU. ;)
M. Main
Vice President, RacersEdge Motorsports Inc.
#69 2002 LoA/CoA Chevy Monte Carlo Sim-racecar /
Maturation makes liars of us all.
>I am currently running Windows ME. I've heard some say this is the worst
>version of Windows to use for racing sims. I've been doing fairly well with
>it, you just have to kill allot of the background junk.
>Anyway, if you were putting together a system today and wanted racing sim
>(on and offline) performance/stability/driver compatibility ...), what would
>you select? I am thinking it is between Windows 2000 or Windows XP. I have
>Windows 2000 on my work PC and it is way more stable that my ME systems. On
>the other hand, XP is the latest, but I'm not keen on some of stuff MS is
>pushing down our throats with XP (maybe I've just heard wrong.)
Between 95/98/ME/2000/XP I stick with 98SE.
It's less stable than 2000/XP but also far less weighted down by the
operating system. I've used 2000 in a workstation/server environment
and it was ok (if you don't find rebooting your computer every day to
be unusual while your Sun gear stays up for years at a time), unless
you're in a situation where you need security I wouldn't waste my time
with the OS overhead. Same with XP.
For a single user non-workstation environment, 98SE provides the best
combination of performance via low-system overhead and software
compatibility. XP is more stable and has better security from a
terminal-user standpoint but that comes with the price of high
resource overhead and flaky compatibility with older software via
emulation (if that is a concern of yours).
If you're building a system for playing games, you're going to be
rebooting constantly since XP isn't fully immune to resource leaks,
so the stability should be a non-issue. If you need a multi-user
environment with tight security in addition to a fast *** platform,
I'd go with a dual boot of Windows 98SE and freeBSD or SuSE linux