And exactly what demon did you make a deal with to get that?
I am quite sure that is the exception to the rule, not the rule itself.
I've had to support every version of Windows in a corporate-wide environment
since Win95 came out, and nothing has been more troublesome than WinME.
With that said, the only stable platforms I've known of running ME have been
OEM machines like Dell, Compaq, etc... where ME was sold with the system,
and the system hardware was hand-picked to NOT cause problems with ME.
However, once those folks started messing around with their systems and
upgrading hardware, software, etc... they started having the same issues
that upgraders ran into right off the start.
> Has been running flawlessly and perfectly here for years :-)
> Achim
> > Windows ME is the worst operating system ever released by Microsoft. It
> was
> > barely beta quality, and generated more Blue-Screens than you'd think
> > possible.
> > Horrible, horrible stuff.
> > -Larry